Thursday, March 13, 2025
Famous Events For September 8

Famous Events For September 8 – Today In History

September 8: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – September 8 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

  1. September 8, 1014 – Duke Koenraad crowned king of Germany
  2. September 8, 1141- Islams vanquished by Yelutashi at the war of Samarkand
  3. September 8, 1156 – Henry II Jasormigott quits Bavaria
  4. September 8, 1264 – Boleslaus the Pious, Duke of Greater Poland approved the Decree of Kalisz, assuring the safety of Jews and civil rights over Jewish matters
  5. September 8, 1276 – John XXI assumes charge as Pope
  6. September 8, 1303 – French King Philip seizures Pope Boniface VIII
  7. September 8, 1331 – self-proclamation by Stefan Dusan as the crown of Serbia
  8. September 8, 1380 – Russia’s sovereign Dimitri vanquishes Mongols at the war of Kulikovo, thus starting the downfall of Tatars


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  9. September 8, 1449 – The Chinese king seized by Mongolians at the war of Tumu Fortress
  10. September 8, 1504 – statue of David by Michelangelo established in Florence
  11. September 8, 1514 – allied forces of Poland and Lithuania vanquish the Russian defense forces at the War of Orsha
  12. September 8, 1522 – Spanish voyager Juan de Elcano arrives in Spain after finishing a tour around the earth
  13. September 8, 1536 – Earl of Nassau vacates the seized Perone
  14. September 8, 1545 – reciprocal action against Scotland launched by the English Earl of Hertford
  15. September 8, 1553 – discovery of the city of Lichfield. England
  16. September 8, 1563 – Maximilian crowned as King of Hungary
  17. September 8, 1565 – St. Augustine, Florida was the 1st colony in the US
  18. September 8, 1565 – Maltese and Knights take control of Malta seized by Turkey
  19. September 8, 1628 – and armed private vessel by the Dutch, under Piet Heyn, seizes the Spanish navy in the Bay of Matanzas, Cuba

  20. September 8, 1664 – English soldiers numbering 300 seize the cluster of New Netherlands from Dutch
  21. September 8, 1689 – peace agreement between China and Russia under the Treaty of Nrtsinsk

    18th Century – What Happened on September 8 – The 1700s

  22. September 8, 1713 – publication of a verdict against Jesenism by Pope Clemens XI
  23. September 8, 1727 – inferno in a shed in Burwell, Cambridgeshire, England a village where a doll show was being performed, kills 78 persons
  24. September 8, 1755 – French army was defeated by British defense forces at the war of Lake George in the jurisdiction of New York
  25. September 8, 1760 – General Jeffrey Amherst takes control of Montreal from French defense forces
  26. September 8, 1771 – establishment of San Gabriel Archangel assignment in California
  27. September 8, 1796 – Austrians vanquished by France at the war of Bassano


    19th Century – September 8 This Day That Year – The 1800s

  28. September 8, 1831 – William IV assumes power as King of Great Britain
  29. September 8, 1833 – Charles Darwin arrives in Buenos Aires
  30. September 8, 1847 – The US under the command of Gen Scott takes control of Mexico at the war of Molino del Rey
  31. September 8, 1855 – Patrice de Mac-Mahon, Duke of Magenta attacked Malakoff Tower at the Crimean war
  32. September 8, 1855 – the combined armies of British and France seize Sevastopol from Russians thus culminating the Crimean Battle
  33. September 8, 1858 – Abraham Lincoln in a dialogue says one cannot dupe all people all the time
  34. September 8, 1860 – damage to ore steamer, “Lady Elgin” in Lake Michigan results in the drowning of 300 people

  35. September 8, 1863 – national army regains Cumberland Gap, Tennessee
  36. September 8, 1863 – 47 Texas helpers resist the National Army at the war of Sabine Pass TX
  37. September 8, 1868 – Establishment of New York Club for Athletics
  38. September 8, 1870 – an agreement between Netherlands and Britain to permit Indian short-time laborers from Calcutta to work in sugar cane fields in Suriname
  39. September 8, 1883 – In a competition between NY Giants and Phillies, the former scored 13 runs in an inning
  40. September 8, 1888 – the first football league competition arranged in England
  41. September 8, 1892 – debut performance of “Pledge of Allegiance”
  42. September 8, 1899 – reinforcement of 10000 army men to Natal, South Africa by the British Government


    20th Century – Important Events On This Day September 8 – 1900

  43. September 8, 1900 – A devastating cyclone and high waves hit Galveston causing the death of nearly 6000 people
  44. September 8, 1905 – Pittsburgh vanquished by Reds, 8-3
  45. September 8, 1907 – Publication of a circular by Pope X on anti-modernism
  46. September 8, 1914 – HMS Oceanic, an equivalent vessel of RMS Titanic drowns near Scotland
  47. September 8, 1914 – the first British soldier to be hanged for abandonment during WWI, was Private Thomas Highgate
  48. September 8, 1915 – establishment of an organization of Negro Life and History
  49. September 8, 1915 – William Johnston vanquishes Maurice McLoughlin at the 35th US Men’s National Championship (1-6,6-0,7-5,10-8)

  50. September 8, 1916 – US President Woodrow Wilson approves amendments to income rules and increases the rate of income tax by 100%, etc
  51. September 8, 1919 – Babe Ruth crosses the best score of HR mark 25 by Buck Freeman by achieving his 26th HR
  52. September 8, 1920 – the inauguration of a post-by-air facility in the US
  53. September 8, 1921 – Margaret Gorman (16) of Washington, achieves the Miss America held in Atlantic City
  54. September 8, 1923 – Seven of nine US Fleet vessels were damaged when stranded off California seashore
  55. September 8, 1924 – appointment of the 1st female diplomat – Alexandra Kollontai of Russia
  56. September 8, 1926 – Germany was admitted into the League of Nations by an undisputed poll
  57. September 8, 1930 – 1st event of the funny “Blondie” occur
  58. September 8, 1930 – commencement of teaching of Hebrew in New York Community schools
  59. September 8, 1930 – Richard Drew invents adhesive tape
  60. September 8, 1933 – Manuel Azana assumes charge as President of Spain

  61. September 8, 1934 – In a cricket match against Leveson-Gower XI, Bradman achieves 132 runs in 90 mins, scoring 24 boundaries and 1 six
  62. September 8, 1934 – inferno destroys superfluity commercial vessel Morro Castle travelling to NJ killing 133
  63. September 8, 1936 – accord for a marriage relationship between Princess Juliana of the Netherlands and German prince Bernad Lippe-Biesterefeld
  64. September 8, 1937 – assembly to discuss Palestine inaugurated
  65. September 8, 1937 – Yankees though straggling at 6-1 in the 9th innings, achieve 8 and vanquish Boston 9-6
  66. September 8, 1939 – President Franklin D Roosevelt approves national emergency in a limited way an account of the battle in Europe
  67. September 8, 1939 – the youngest pitcher to achieve 20 games was Indians Bob Feller, 20
  68. September 8, 1939 – Yanks vanquish Red Sox 4-1 in 7, but the play was canceled due to lightning
  69. September 8, 1941 – commencement of obstruction of Leningrad by Germany
  70. September 8, 1941 – all Jewish population staying in Meretsch, Lithuania killed
  71. September 8, 1943 – Combined armies of friendly nations force Italy to admit defeat in WW II
  72. September 8, 1943 – Lt. Gen Bradley arrives in Carthago by air
  73. September 8, 1943 – Ace Adams, of NY Giant, achieves his best by working in his 62nd play
  74. September 8, 1944 – 1st V-2 spacecraft touch the ground in London and Antwerp
  75. September 8, 1944 – Russians arrive in Bulgaria, who in turn pronounce battle on Germany
  76. September 8, 1945 – Korea under the seizure of Japan assaulted by the US
  77. September 8, 1945 – The Japanese Prime Minister, Hideki Tojo avoids trial by a court of law but in the end, he is executed

  78. September 8, 1946 – rule by kings terminated in Bulgaria
  79. September 8, 1946 – NY Yankees defeat the SF 49’, 1st AAFC game
  80. September 8, 1946 – Jack Kramer defeats Tom Brown Jr (9-7,6-3,6-0) at the 66th US Men’s National Championship
  81. September 8, 1946 – Pauline Betz Addie defeats Patrica Canning Todd (11-9,6-3) at the 60th US Women’s National Championship
  82. September 8, 1948 – faster than sound speed achieved by British De Havilland DH 108 aircraft
  83. September 8, 1951 – no war agreement entered by Japan with 48 nations
  84. September 8, 1951 – publication of a circular communication by Pope Pius XII on Semptiternus Rex
  85. September 8, 1952 – publication of the book, “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway
  86. September 8, 1952 – Frank Sedgman vanquishes Garadnar Mulloy (6-1,6-2,6-3) at the 72nd US Men’s National Championship
  87. September 8, 1952 – Maureen Connolly trips Doris Hart (6-3,7-5) at the 66th US Women’s National Championship
  88. September 8, 1953 – debut performance of “Carnival in Flanders” at the New Century Theatre NY and makes 6 presentations
  89. September 8, 1953 – Issue of a communication by Pope Pius on Fulgeno circle of light
  90. September 8, 1954 – founding of an association to arrest the advance of communism in SE Asia (SEATO)
  91. September 8, 1955 – finalizing NL emblem by Brooklyn Dodgers
  92. September 8, 1956 – cassette by Harry Belafonte, “Calypso” achieves no.1 and continues to be no.1 for 31 weeks
  93. September 8, 1957 – The unaccompanied musical tape, “Reet Petite” by Jackie Wilson published

  94. September 8, 1957 – issue of a letter for mass circulation on Cinemas and TV and Radio by Pope Pius XII
  95. September 8, 1957 – Juan Manuel Fangio achieves by 15 points 8th Formula One WDC
  96. September 8, 1957 – Malcolm Anderson vanquishes Ashley Cooper (10-8,7-5,6-4) at the 77th US Men’s National Championship
  97. September 8, 1957 – Althea Gibson vanquishes Louise Brough Clapp (6-3,6-2)
  98. September 8, 1958 – LPGA Dallas Golf Open achieved by Mickey Wright
  99. September 8, 1958 – commencement of Asian expedition from Tokyo by Paul Anka
  100. September 8, 1959 – inauguration of the Asian Institute of Technology
  101. September 8, 1960 – ban on West Berliners’ entry into East Berlin by the German Democratic Republic
  102. September 8, 1960 – Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho” featuring Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh opens throughout the US
  103. September 8, 1962 -The Tibet-India boundary was crossed by the Chinese at Mac-Mahon-Line
  104. September 8, 1962 – Atomic test by Russia at Novaya Zemlya
  105. September 8, 1962 – valedictory of the celebrated Pines Express between Somerset and Dorset (UK). The last steam engine constructed by British Railways, 9F No.92220, “Evening Star” was used
  106. September 8, 1963 – The constitution of Algeria was approved
  107. September 8, 1963 – the birth of quints, all boys to Ines Cuervo de Priete, aged 34
  108. September 8, 1963 – LPGA Spokane Women’s Golf OIpen achieved by Kathy Whitworth
  109. September 8, 1963 – Rafael Osuna vanquishes Frank Froechling (7-5,6-4,6-2) at the 83rd US Men’s National Championship

  110. September 8, 1963 – Maria Bueno vanquishes Margret Court (7-5,6-4) at the 77th US Women’s National Championship
  111. September 8, 1965 – cyclone hits Louisiana and Florida and kills 75
  112. September 8, 1966 – debut performance of “Star Trek” on NBC-TV
  113. September 8, 1966 – debut performance of “That Girl” featuring Marlo Thomas on ABC TV
  114. September 8, 1966 – Queen Elizbeth II dedicates The Seven Bridge to the nation
  115. September 8, 1967 – The spacecraft sent to the moon lands on the Moon on Sept.10
  116. September 8, 1967 – Uganda becomes a democracy and ends old small monarchies
  117. September 8, 1967 – British Railways officially stops running steam engines in North East of England
  118. September 8, 1968 – debut performance of “Funny Girl” featuring Barbra Streisand
  119. September 8, 1968 – LPGA Pacific Ladies Golf Classic
  120. Achieved by Sandra Haynie
  121. September 8, 1968 – Saundra Williams crowned as 1st Miss Black America parade
  122. September 8, 1968 – 1st US Open: Arthur Ashe triumphs Tom Akker (14-12,5-7,6-3, 3-6,6-3)
  123. September 8, 1968 – Virginia Wade defeats Billie Jean at the 82nd US Women’s National Championship (6-4,6-2)
  124. September 8, 1969 – Sulaiman Maghrabi installed as Prime Minister of Libya
  125. September 8, 1969 – Stan Smith defeats Bob Lutz (97 63 61) at the US Amateur Men’s Tennis
  126. September 8, 1970 – Popular Front captures 3 aircraft and burts for the freedom of Palestine
  127. September 8, 1971 – the inauguration of the John F Kennedy Centre for Arts in Washington DC
  128. September 8, 1972 – Chic Cub Ferguson Jenkins 6th year 20th play
  129. September 8, 1973 – appointment of Billy Martin as Manager of Texas Rangers
  130. September 8, 1973 – Hank Aaron achieves his best HRs in I association
  131. September 8, 1973 – Miss America 1974 awarded to Rebecca Ann King, 23
  132. September 8, 1973 – debut performance of the animated version of “Star Trek” on TV
  133. September 8, 1973 – Margaret Court triumphs Evonne Goolagong Cawley (7-6,5-7,6-2) at the 93rd Women’s US Open
  134. September 8, 1974 – Ian Thompson achieves his marathon (2:13:18.8)
  135. September 8, 1974 – LPGA Dallas Civitan Golf Open achieved by Joanne Carner
  136. September 8, 1974 – Former President Richard Nixon acquitted of all civic charges by US President General Ford
  137. September 8, 1974 – Jimmy Connors defeats Ken Rosewall (6-1,6-0,6-1) at the 94th Men’s US Open
  138. September 8, 1974 – Billie Jean King defeats Evonne Goolagong Cawley at the 94th Women’s US Open (3-6,6-3,7-5)
  139. September 8, 1975 – commencement of transporting of school children as per courts’ direction in Boston
  140. September 8, 1975 – Portugal grants freedom to Guinee-Bissau
  141. September 8, 1976 – debut performance of the film “Max Havelaar” by Fons Rademaker in Amsterdam
  142. September 8, 1977 – resignation of Jimmy McCulloch from Wings
  143. September 8, 1978 – Yanks defeat Red Sox 13-2
  144. September 8, 1978 – 100s of Khomeini sympathizers were killed by the Iranian army by firing
  145. September 8, 1979 – 52nd Miss America 1980 awarded to Chery Prewitt (Miss) 22
  146. September 8, 1979 – Atomic test by US at Nevada Test site
  147. September 8, 1980 – Ferguson Jenkins was suspended until further notice by Bowie Kuhn for drug peddling
  148. September 8, 1982 – The social democratic party sweeps the election, and racism enters the Dutch assembly
  149. September 8, 1983 – launching of spacecraft by NASA
  150. September 8, 1984 – Martina Navratilova triumphs Chris Evert-Lloyd (4-6.6-4,6-4) at the 104th Women’s US Open
  151. September 8, 1985 – 255 newspapers publish the 1st issue of “USA Weekend”
  152. September 8, 1985 – an accident involving a car and a train leaves 7 dead in San Jose, Calif
  153. September 8, 1985 – 24 hr Women swim, 25 m in the pool, achieved by Alayson Gibbons in 42.05 min
  154. September 8, 1985 – LPGA Portland Ping Golf Championship achieved by Nancy Lopez
  155. September 8, 1985 – Pete Rose and TV Cobb score equal score with 4191 hits
  156. September 8, 1985- Ivon Lendl triumphs John McEnroe at the 105th Men’s US Open (7-6,6-4,6-4)
  157. September 8, 1986 – Fields Company of Chicago purchases the backdrop music company Muzak from Westinghouse
  158. September 8, 1986 – country-wide airing of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” for the first time
  159. September 8, 1988 – world best of 2.43 m in high jump set by Javier Sotomayer of Cuba
  160. September 8, 1988 – appointment of NL pre-Baart Giamatti by common opinion as 7th Chief of baseball
  161. September 8, 1989 – 2500th hit achievement by George Brett
  162. September 8, 1989 – The grave of Beatrice of Brabant was revealed in Kortrijk, Belgium
  163. September 8, 1989 – Accident to Norwegian aircraft at Jutland in sea leaves 44 dead
  164. September 8, 1990 – Gabriela Sabatini defeats Steffi Graf (6-2,7-6) at the 110th Women’s US Open
  165. September 8, 1991 – Macedonia favours freedom from Yugoslavia
  166. September 8, 1991 – Ping-Cellular One LPGA Golf Championship achieved by Michelle Estill
  167. September 8, 1991 – Stefan Edberg defeats Jim Courier at the 111th Men’s US Open
  168. September 8, 1992 – the inauguration of the airing of Howard Stern Radio in Dallas
  169. September 8, 1993 – the pattern of baseball plays to a three-division pattern approved in AL
  170. September 8, 1993 – world’s best in 10000m at the Chinese National Games achieved by Wang Junxia (29:31.78)
  171. September 8, 1994 – Aerosmith, Michael Jackson, and Lisa Marie Presley were awarded the 11th MTV Video Music Awards
  172. September 8, 1994 – debut performance of “Philadelphia, “Here I Come” at Criterion NYC and presents 52 shows
  173. September 8, 1994 – vacating of Allied forces (US, Britain and France) from West Berlin
  174. September 8, 1994 – shooting incidence on board train ITY 4 at Grand Central Station – one man kills another
  175. September 8, 1994 – air accident involving US Boeing 737 at Pits Aerodrome killing all travelers
  176. September 8, 1995 – Cleveland Indians achieve the 1st AL championship of Central Davison
  177. September 8, 1996 – valedictory of “7 Guitars” at Walter Kerr Theatre, NYC
  178. September 8, 1996 – Steffi Graf triumphs Monica Seles at the 116th Women’s US Open (7-5,6-4)
  179. September 8, 1996 – ER, Dennis Franz, and Kathy Baker achieve the 48th Emmy Awards
  180. September 8, 1996 –  Safeway LPGA achieved by Dottie Pepper
  181. September 8, 1996 – Singer World Series at Colombo achieved by Sri Lanka after vanquishing Australia
  182. September 8, 1996 – Pete Sampras defeats Michel Chang (6-1,6-4,7-6) at the 116th Men’s US Open
  183. September 8, 1999 – the information shown in the picture “Waco The Rules of Engagement” prompts the U.S. Law Officer to constitute an autonomous committee with Senator John Danforth as its chief to investigate the cause of the 1993 fire at the Branch Davidian Church near Waco.
  184. September 8, 1999 – debut performance of “American Beauty” guided by Sam Mendes and featuring Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening, and Thora Birch in Los Angeles and awarded Best Picture in 2000

    21st Century – September 8 This Day In History – The 2000s

  185. September 8, 2002 – Pete Sampras defeats Andre Agassi at the 122nd Men’s US Open (6-3,6-4,5-7,6-4)
  186. September 8, 2002 – Serena Williams defeats Venus Williams at the 122nd Women’s US Open (6-4,6-3)
  187. September 8, 2004 – NASA’s unmanned spacecraft dashes against the ground since the parachute did not open
  188. September 8, 2005 – Two Russian aircraft fly to the Little Rock Airforce area in North America where there was an accident
  189. September 8, 2008 – Latvia and Estonia suffer a recession and the real estate and construction activities decline
  190. September 8, 2008 – Roger Federer defeats Andy Murray (6-2,7-5,6-2) at the 128th Men’s US Open
  191. September 8, 2008 – Serena Williams defeats Jelena Jankovic (6-4,7-5) at the 128th Women’s US Open
  192. September 8, 2010 – Egypt’s Finance Minister claims that Egypt is overcoming the effects of the slump given increased overall revenue from taxes
  193. September 8, 2011 – Fashion designer, John Galliano, was fined 6000 in a Paris court for his unwanted remarks
  194. September 8, 2012 – Taliban reckless shelling in Kabul, Afghanistan leaves 6 people dead
  195. September 8, 2012 – in a tractor-train accident in Romania 6 people were killed
  196. September 8, 2013 – assault in Guatemala leaves 11 dead and 18 wounded
  197. September 8, 2013 – an accident involving a minibus and an automobile in Jakarta, Indonesia, leaves 6 dead and 9 wounded
  198. September 8, 2014 – 2013 Formula One Grand Prix achieved by Sebastian Vettel
  199. September 8, 2014 – Marin Cilic triumphs Kei Nishikori at the 134th Men’s US Open (6-3,6-3,6-3)
  200. September 8, 2014 – Serena Williams vanquishes Caroline Wozniacki (6-3,6-3) at the 134th Women’s US Open
  201. September 8, 2014 – Halder al-Abadi installed as the 75th Prime Minister of Iraq
  202. September 8, 2015 – Comedian Stephen Colbert becomes the 1st host of the series “The Late Show” by CBS
  203. September 8, 2015 – attempts to update the termination procedures within the Catholic Church publicized by Pope Francis
  204. September 8, 2016 – The study of the DNA of Giraffes has established that there are 4 types of Giraffes as published in “Current Biology”
  205. September 8, 2016 – Launching of Oriris-Rex by NASA to gain back boulder from 500m thick Bennu, one of the smaller planet

    See Also:

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