Also Known For : Father Of Modern Nationalism
Birth Place : Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
Died On : January 7, 1955
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Arthur Keith Biography, Life, Interesting Facts
The luminary Arthur Keith was indivisibly attached to Appalachian geology that gave him a chance to make outstanding contributions. For three decades his dedicate his time and effort to nothing else than field studying and mapping. From North Carolina to Maine, Sir Arthur Keith took the time to describe and survey each area. Most of his geological studies are still under his name.
Besides, he is fully described as the most eminent anthropologist and anatomist. In other words, he knew everything that dealt with the study of human evolution. Arthur Keith grew up as the son of a hardworking farmer, but he wasn’t known as a farmer but a “book warmer.” Medicine turned to be his major field since inception, all thanks to Charles Darwin’s early works that made him love anthropology. According to him, nature defined the growth and development of human and not vice versa.
He also took the time to illustrate how competitions rise from one society to the other. This is in regards to leadership, resentment, patriotism and so on. His works and publication gave birth to over 500 human evolution and anatomies. It was during his research that he concluded that cultural differences act as a hurdle for more growth and development. Let’s see what he as in store for us.
Arthur’s Personality
Arthur Keith was defined as a quick thinker and quite independent in his way. His original trait gave him a chance to create new and creative ideas. I guess the “natural peacemaker” should ring a bell. At his best, Arthur treasured his life which made him value other people’s norms. Keith’s multitalented personality gave him a chance to discover a wide array of experiments.
Not only did he want to fathom further as a genius but also as a strong-willed man.His out of world organization skill gave him a potential to rise beyond his field of study. With a loyal accent, Arthur puzzled the world and beyond with his communicative and mental skills. Not to mention, his charming and witty personality allowed him to have tons of loyal friends. Read along.
Keith’s Childhood And Early Life
On 5th, February 1866 a duo called Jessie MacPherson and John Keith was blessed with their six born sons in Scotland, Aberdeen. He was none other than Arthur Keith who was defined as a book-warmer since childhood. It was during his study that he came across Charles Darwin’s anthropology book called Origin of Species. It was there that he opted to change his career from medicine to be an anthropologist.
In 1884 he joined Marischal College where he completed with a degree in Medicine in 1888.While there he met a famous botanist called James Trail as well as John Struthers. In the mid of 1892, he went to further his studies at the University of Aberdeen where he majored in anatomy. He then teamed up with other anthropologies at the University College of London. Before his graduation at Aberdeen, he received his first award called Struthers Prize for his thesis in apes and human relation. In 1894 Arthur received his degree from the Varsity of Aberdeen. It was also the same year that he was appointed as the leading member of the Royal College of Surgeons in England.
In the mid of 1888 Arthur’s career began when he got a chance to serves as a medical officer in one of the mining company. His end aim was to collect and study a wide array of botanical specimens. In the long run, his love for anthropology and evolution superseded all. He remained in the position for three years where he opted to further his education overseas.
Early in 1895, Arthur Keith earned his doctorate where he landed a position at the London Hospital. In 1899 he was appointed as the Head of the said department. It was also the same year that he authored a book titled Introduction to the Study of Anthropoid Apes.
From 1897 to 1900 Arthur Keith took time to analyze his research in the field of anatomy. He especially focused on the living as well as fossils. Though his work wasn’t published right away, he was able to establish his researchCentre.
In 1906 Arthur Keith partnered with one of his student called Martin Flack. As a duo, they discovered a sinoatrial node or rather a natural peacemaker that makes the heart to beat at an average rate. In 1908 he was appointed as the foreman of the Royal Anthropological Institute in Britain. He remained in the position for two years where he managed to complete a book titled Ancient Types of Man.
In 1913 Arthur Keith was appointed as an associate by the Royal Society and later on as a Fullerian Professor of Physiology in London. He remained in the seat till the end of 1923.At the end of his service, he was made as the knight of the year.
In 1927 Arthur Keith was appointed as the leading man of the British Association where he later got a chance to manage the University of Aberdeen. In 1931 Keith established his research center. The following year he was appointed as the professor of the organization. He continued to serve for the rest of his life.
Personal Life And Achievement
Though he parted ways with the world over a decade age, Arthur Keith is still recalled as a guru in the study of evolution and human fossils. Anthropology was his best bread and butter. Some of his notable works include books such as Theory of Human Evolution and Evolution and Ethics. He also rose to fame for discovering the natural peacemaker of the sinoatrial node along with Martin Flack. When it comes to his personal life, Arthur tilted a nuptial knot with Celia Gray in 1900. Sad to say Sir Arthur Keith breathed his last on 7th, January 1955 at 89 years age in England, Kent. He will always be remembered as a “Father of Modern Nationalism.”