
Norvina Claudia Biography, Life, Interesting Facts

Social Media

Norvina Claudia

Birthday :

November 16, 1987

Birth Place :


Zodiac Sign :


Chinese Zodiac :


Birth Element :


Born on November 16, 1987, Norvina Claudia is a Romanian beautician and President of the salon Anastasia Beverly Hill. She is also asocial media star and an active personality on YouTube known for her postings of videos and pictures on beauty related issues which has gained her much prominence on YouTube and Instagram. 

Norvina Claudia has about 110,000subscribers on YouTube and about 1.2 million fans on Instagram. As a young beauty professional, she passed through the ranks before taking over her mother’s beauty salon as the president and has since then managed it very well. With her visibility on social media, she can display her talent and showcase her works which have advanced her career.


Norvina Claudia was not given any preferential treatment after she decided to work in her mother Anastasia Soare’sbeauty salon, Anastasia Beverly Hills. After her high school education, she started working as the front desk operator at the salon. Through this and other miscellaneous jobs, she was able to learn on the job with the help of her mother. Anastasia Soare established Anastasia Beverly Hills in the 1990s after failing to convince her former employee that working on the eyebrow can enhance ones appearance. Norvina Claudia resigned and started her own beauty salon, and the rest is just history. She has been able to make Anastasia Beverly Hills a very reputable brand. With Norvina Claudia starting as a front desk operator, she rose through the ranks to handle other branches of the business. Norvina Claudia took the brand on social media giving it a strong social media presence through the postings of photos and videos. 

She also posted tutorial videos on issues relating to fashion in terms of how to dress casually, do eye makeup and other beauty tips. This act didn’t only project the image of the Anastasia Beverly Hills salon but also gave  Norvina Claudia a strong social media presence. He currently has over 1.2 million Instagram followers and keeps her fans updated with videos and photos on daily beauty topics.


Future Plans

With her primary focus on the brand Anastasia Beverly Hills, Norvina Claudia aims at expanding its tentacles of an adventure in other beauty products. Aside from extending their products to as many retail shops as possible, she also aims at setting up an academy to train youngsters in makeups and its products.

November 16 Horoscope

More Social Media

More People From Romania

More Scorpio People

More Chinese Rabbit People
