Friday, March 21, 2025

Fehu Rune Meaning: Circulation Of Power

Fehu Rune: Season of Blessings

Fehu rune represents the virtues that everyone should have to exercise in the worldly realm to maintain a constant flow of blessings. Actually, in the past, most people believed that good things happen to those who do the right thing always. Therefore, it is to practice the same thing and act the way our forefathers did. More so, it is important to keep encouraging everyone to move forward even though they are facing rough times in life. Sometimes life can be so unfair to others, and your support will boost their confidence to maintain their direction. Notably, it is an added advantage to you if you motivate and support someone from one level to another.


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Furthermore, Fehu rune symbolism directs people to follow the right steps from people who have achieved their success by taking the right path. Similarly, if you want to become a leader then you have to surround yourself with the right group of people. You can be with someone who will help you see something worthy in your life. Probably, you can earn your self-confidence by comparing yourself with people who were behind your line and now they are up-front. Do not have any jealous feelings but use them as you aim for bigger things in your life.


Rune Poem for Fehu

“Fé vældr frænda róge;
føðesk ulfr í skóge.”

“Wealth is a source of discord amongst kin;
the wolf lives in the forest.”

Rune Name: Fehu, Pronounced “Fae-Hoo”


Aett: Freyja’s

Aett Position: First

Fehu – Upright Meaning


fehuProsperity, Finances, Sustenance, Luck, Personal Power, Prosperity, The Coming of Hope, Happiness, Social Success, Creation/Destruction, Abundance, Fertility, Circulation of Power, Financial Strength.


The Fehu rune represents the most evident source of wealth amongst its Germanic roots, Cattle. It is the first runestone in the “Elder Futhark”. By this it also represents the primeval cow, Audhumla, she was nourished by the rime at the beginning of the world, and licked Búri, the first god of the Norse Pantheon, out of it.


Fire burns at the heart of the rune, its glimmering light bringing you signs of wealth and power. Do you have a need that remains unfulfilled, are there others in need of that wealth? All things lay in motion with Fehu, and all things come back to you.


It is the creative fire within, the light in the artist’s eye, when the Skald speaks, it is with Fehu’s fire he speaks, the act of creation calling out from this most base of Runes. The merchant feels Fehu’s touch when he does commerce, passing wealth from one hand to the next. The good wife, setting the fire to the hearth, brings its influence into her home.


Fehu – Merkstave Meaning (Reversed)


Loss of property, esteem, failure, greed, exhaustion, wasting, discord, cowardice, loss of wealth, servitude

fehu merkstave


When Fehu comes in the dark, born as a merkstave, it brings poor portents. The chieftain shall come to you, taking from you your hearth and axe. You will find your brethren before you, cursing your name and calling you a coward, your forefathers will weep to know you are the seed of their loins.

All you set to do will fall before you, you will know only sorrow, and you will eat only ashes, as all your workings fall to naught. Your hammer shall break, your forge not fire as Fehu’s power leaves you, and you will fall exhausted to your knees, weeping with a woman’s sound. You will look upon your arm, and find it as a babe’s, unable to lift an axe or forge hammer as death takes you.

Fehu Power

Your family will fall into discord, fighting amongst themselves like the worst of squabbling kin. You shall be called false, and no man will take your word. You will not be called coward, your name shamed by the Skald before hearth and hall, kinsman and chieftain, and all your wealth will not be stripped from you.

Beneath the Merkstave Fehu, you will find yourself locked in servitude as those stolen from distant shores, and your honor price will be lower than that of a nameless coward fallen beneath his kinsman arrow. Beware the merkstave Fehu caster, for it brings nothing but ill to you.

Fehu Rune Meaning Love

You have come across different stories of love. In love, most people tend to ignore the small things that they commit which will become something big someday. So, you have to sort out your issues and not ignore them for your good. On the other hand, people who are bonded together strongly are successful because they do their work together. Equally, let your love overwhelm your entire family and you will have better things in your life.

Fehu Rune Meaning

Fehu meaning symbolizes the things that you should not ignore in life. You will live a happy life the moment you deal with the things that bring unhappiness to your life. Perhaps, patience is the perfect aspect that will lead you to a happy ending. Do not rush until you are done with whatever you are doing. Moreover, your hard work will determine your destination. So, when you become a hard worker and add patience then you will achieve whatever you are looking for in life.


Fehu Rune’s symbol shows the responsibilities that you have to accomplish during your youth. In other words, there is some stuff that you should not ignore in life because it can cost you much during your old age. You should let time put you in the appropriate place to adjust to changes comfortably. Notably, the Fehu element brings the sense of doing things rightly.

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