Thursday, March 27, 2025
balance between feng shui colors

Balance Between the Colors: The Feng Shui Way

Balance, Color, and Energy Flow in the Feng Shui Way

That little twinge, the feeling in the pit of your stomach when your powerful, intuitive internal communicator is trying to tell you something through a bout of energy. We all have felt this, but very few of us can explain why until we look closer into Chinese philosophy dating back thousands of years. Feng Shui captures the harmony and balance between the colors to promote comfort, inspiration, and greater happiness.


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The ancient art of Feng Shui means “wind” and “water” and translates to represent both harmony and balance. Water and wind flow naturally and freely. They are essential elements for the necessities of life. The energy flow is described as flowing, and the universe is better known as “chi.” The environmental influences around us may be responsible for moods, overall well-being, and productivity changes.

Sprite Colors

Let’s start with an example. Think of how you feel after a long winter with dull, lifeless colors (white, brown, greys). Now the snow has melted, and after warmer temperatures, you see the first sight of spring: lush green grass and the start of blooming flowers. These sprite colors give us hope, brighten our mood, and kick us out of hibernation. They are the definition of the art of Feng Shui colors.


Interior designers use this ancient art to create an environmentally friendly space and take it further with a healthy energy flow throughout their designs. We can all recall walking into a room and how it felt cold and unwelcoming, which is what we want to avoid in our homes if we want them to be inviting.

It is crucial to mention that what one person finds soothing or peaceful, another may find uninviting. Feng Shui colors guide general purposes of stimulation but continuously tap into your own inner personal energy flow to determine how these colors impact your body, mind, and spirit. Unique energy flow is thought to influence how a person thinks and acts, ultimately affecting personal and professional success.


The balance between Feng Shui Colors: What To Look For

#1. Feng Shui colors

The concept of Feng Shui colors may have been something you’ve noticed subtly but have never known there is a term describing how your surroundings can impact your mood. In the winter example mentioned previously, we described green grass’s first sight as giving the feeling of hope.

The color green can represent balance, growth, and abundance with a meaning of freshness, liveliness, and prosperity. For these reasons, there are very few times when the color green should be avoided.

Many colors fall under the Feng Shui principles, so utilizing the Bagua map (as pictured) and elements may be beneficial. The Bagua map separates or compartmentalizes each portion of your home to help determine the flow. As for the colors, each color has its purpose and cue of energy, so we will walk through each in great detail.


#2. Fire Colors

The fire colors are a group of lively colors like red, orange, and yellow. Red represents the element of fire and has a reputation for intensity, passion, and luck. The color red is often used to redirect energy around the home.

Hot, bold, and daring meanings should be avoided in specific areas like bedrooms to reduce anxiety, insomnia, or excess activity. Orange is another vibrant, fun hue associated with social and happiness. Naturally, the color orange is vibrant and stimulating.


It tends to be less arousing than red and is often used for more interior spaces for social gatherings like a kitchen or living room. Like orange, yellow is also used in a home’s social or relationship portions. The color has uplifting and friendly characteristics that can provide a sense of energy, mental clarity, stability, and nurturing.


A hybrid of these fire colors with earthly hues is colored like salmon or pink. With these colors’ blending, salmon provides harmony and encourages conversation in a calming and soothing state.

#3. Calming Colours

The next group of colors falls into calming hues consisting of colors like blue, purple, green, and neutrals. Blue is a well-recognized color and represents the water element of clarity, relaxation, nobility, and renewal. These hues can also promote a calming, soothing, and healing effect while characterizing security and dependability.

With these effects, hues of blue work well in bathrooms or places of privacy. Purple has similar calming effect qualities but can signify spirituality, adventure, and prosperity.

Lighter purple hues are splendid for a romantic bedroom, whereas darker purple creates more of a mystic and noble feel. Deep purple hues were once used to signify a status of power for kings and priests.

#4. Neutral Colors

Neutral colors of black, grey, white, brown, and beige can be used as a calming effect if used in lighter hues. Darker hues of these colors often represent a different feel. Black implies sophistication, elegance, and power. Since this is such a bold color, it is recommended as an accent color.

Grey is the transition between black and white. It is inviting and represents harmony, calm, and a lack of energy, making for a great bedroom or accessory color. Pure white represents clarity, cleanliness, purity, hope, and a sense of openness.

White is often paired with metallic as they are metal elements. Room suggestions for white or light hues are locations like a bathroom. Brown and beige hues offer stability and security, resembling earthly elements. The earth colors are very comforting and warm, so they pair well with bedrooms and living rooms.

#5. Feng Shui Blending colors

Blending the different colors for a meld of hues can create a unique balance between elements. Lavender is a mixture of blue and purple, which can promote a calming and spiritual effect. This hue can reduce stress and minimize activity to create a peaceful sanctuary.


Another popular combination is blue-green combinations to represent youth, growth, and new beginnings and can inspire confidence. This color is great for spaces that promote movement, like a front door.

So color psychology and its effects on our well-being should be considered. Colors have been associated with specific ailments like eyestrain or increased blood pressure.

The personal energy flow from color will be influenced by experience that may affect the meaning of the color, e.g., Western may view white as purity, whereas Eastern use white to symbolize mourning. Overall, color still impacts the way we feel and act.

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