Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Fng shui Fashion tips

8 Feng Shui Fashion Tips: How To Dress The Right Way!

What Is Fashion Feng Shui?

The basis of Feng Shui can be used independently of any cultural elements. It can be blended with other practices to create a living relevant to the individual. Feng Shui can be applied to anyone anywhere in the world. It’s all about knowing how to use it and using it right! We assume you don’t want any of that bad fortune, so we’ll concentrate on helpful Feng Shui fashion tips.


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Feng Shui has been around for ages, and in this post, first, we need to take a brief look at how this tradition developed and explain what it is all about. Most of us probably think we know all about Feng Shui… it’s about moving the furniture around to bring luck, right?

Something to do with the sun? Have your bed facing the sun when it comes up? Yeah, well… let us explain with a quick history of Feng Shui before we get to the fashion tips. It is all about helping to improve your life.


How Did Feng Shui Originate?

It is difficult to say accurately, but it dates back several thousand years to ancient China. Feng Shui began with the earliest instances of people settling in one place to farm the land and rear animals. How did it originate?

Feng Shui was initially used to decide the best and safest places to create homes where crops and life would generally flourish. It was also used to identify the ideal burial spots. Eventually, Feng Shui was used to find the best places for other buildings, such as palaces, monuments, and government buildings. Feng Shui has even been used to design entire cities.


What about Feng Shui now?

The practice of Feng Shui is constantly evolving to incorporate classical Feng Shui with more modern elements such as ecological design and environmental psychology.

I’m not Chinese

The basis of Feng Shui can be used independently of any cultural elements. It can be blended with other practices to create a living relevant to the individual. Feng Shui can be applied to anyone anywhere in the world. It’s all about knowing how to use it and using it right! We assume you don’t want any of that bad fortune, so we’ll concentrate on helpful Feng Shui fashion tips.

Feng Shui Fashion For Your Wardrobe

#1. Dress with Feeling

The following will seem like a no-brainer, but worth pointing out in case it’s not a universally known thing: how you dress affects how you feel. Dressing to impress makes you feel more confident and a little taller. Nothing particularly groundbreaking there. However, you might not have known all this time that this change in how you think about yourself is communicated to those around you.


Put on a smart suit or elegant dress, and don’t be surprised by your positive reactions. You might think: Duh, they’ll be impressed if I wear fashionable clothes. Who doesn’t know that? The critical thing to consider here is that they will not react to intelligent garments.

They’ll be reaching out to how you feel wearing intelligent clothes. So, when you dress up, think about how you feel. Think about how you want to feel and how you want people to react to you. The key tip is to dress to impress yourself first and feel good about it, then wear those feelings on your sleeve for all to see.


#2. Dress with Qi

According to Feng Shui, we are born with particular tastes forming part of our Qi (or Chi). Qi is a difficult concept to explain, but here it is in a nutshell: Qi (or Chi) is a range of different energies that we can access through our ordinary senses (sight, touch, etc.) and can change as we come into contact with it and send it back out. Like the way, our bodies create and transfer electricity. The things we have in our immediate environment at home, or work can also change the Qi around us.


Qi is one of the fundamentals when it comes to Feng Shui. Feng Shui works with your Qi to produce an environment that complements your likes and dislikes. This should help you be more satisfied with your surroundings leading to increased productivity and a more satisfying life. As clothing is one of the most intimate parts of our daily routines and how we present ourselves to the world, we should wear the dress with Qi.

#3. Find the right colors

Dressing with Qi is finding the right colors that match our energy. Colors are part of what forms our personal Qi, and we must pick the right colors to compliment our particular Qi. In short, whatever the magazine says, it is the “new black” this year. Instead, wear the colors that match your birth year.

#4. Match clothes to your birth year

So, if I was born in the 80s, should I wear leg warmers? No, you should not wear leg warmers. No one is suggesting that unless it matches your Qi, of course. Each year, Feng Shui corresponds to one of the 5 elements (earth, fire, metal, water, wood). Find your birth year according to the

In Chinese, the new year dates and finds your Feng Shui birth element. For example, if your element is metal, you must populate your wardrobe with earthy colors, grey and white.

#5. Never mind elements. What are the lucky colors?

Ok, if you don’t want to look up birth years and find your birth element, we can skip straight to the lucky colors. They change each year, and the lucky colors for 2023 are:
1. Red
2. Yellow
3. Orange
4. Magenta
5. Pink
6. Green
7. Brown

#6. Patterns

So, we have the colors sorted either you found your element and are mulling over your lucky colors, or you’ve gone with the 2023 options above. Next is the pattern. For guys, this is less of a problem. If in doubt, go with a straightforward, no-pattern option.

For the ladies, patterns can be slightly more problematic for off-the-rack clothing. Again, you can choose between sticking with your birth element or selecting a color/pattern to communicate your wants.

If your birth element is fire, you may want to consider patterns such as pointed designs and animal prints. You could try that pattern in black if you’re going to exude something specific, like authority and power.

#7. Fabrics

Do even the fabrics have a say? Yes, even materials. The fabrics make the clothes what they are. Without the fabrics, you’d be naked, so it makes sense that they are at the core of your wardrobe. Fabrics like tweed and flannel make you feel safe and stable with your feet planted firmly on the ground.

Combine this fabric with brown or terra cotta colors, and you will be ready to see your bank manager for that small business loan.

#8. The Cut

Again, this is more for the ladies than the guys, but the cut of an item of clothing can also impact how you present yourself, according to Feng Shui. If you want to exude an atmosphere of refinement and authority, you should go for a flowing cut.

So fabrics to go with this are chiffon and velvet. As mentioned above, the ideal color for this is black and navy blue. There you have it! Our quick guide to rejigging your wardrobe and getting the reaction you want.

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