Monday, March 24, 2025
feng shui money sex

Feng Shui Your Way To Good Sex and Money

Feng Shui Guide for Sex and Money

Have you ever thought that how you built your house and positioned your objects could affect your happiness, health, and success? Feng Shui for Sex and Money believes that the environment displays adequate energy that you can ideally utilize in your life.

It is considered a fundamental belief that works wonders. It only deals with your personal, shelter money, and sex.  The environment in general. It now makes sense that where you place your things, what you do with them, and how you think about them matters. If you are in a single status, relationship, or a well-rekindled love, it is always better to refresh your love life in the direction of your space(Bagua).

#1. Wealth and Romance Together

Sex is considered an imperative aspect in the process of attracting more wealth. The natural emotion and feeling of romance have an optimum secret, which helps you have a creative mind and thoughts. This ability is connected to Feng Shui.


What’s even interesting about money and Sex in Feng Shui is that the field of wealth is significantly associated with the number four. Number four entails writing, sex, romance, and academic success. In simple terms, the number four is linked with generation and establishment.

Feng Shui has allowed us to realize that energy flows where it has to. The problem comes when you lack interest in your partner due to fatigue, work, stress, household chores, and child-rearing. Romance makes us happy, relieves stress, and should be considered an essential part of a committed relationship.


Making love is the same way when your credit card has enough money. Both make you live a stress-free life. To attain unconditional love, you must pay special attention to your relationship. You can only do that when you learn to eliminate any object depicting loneliness.

If you are avoiding love or have less intimacy, try to examine your artwork and photos. List everything you have in your bedroom and see if it is meant for couples or singles. You will be astonished! Changing one pair off a piece to two will rekindle your relationship and sex life.

#2. Intimacy and Wealth Life

Forget about the past: It is also called clutter, whereby you want great love and wealth in the present. Forget about the previous heartbreaks and any other credit drawbacks. When drawing your money and love, focus on one thing at a time.

Ensure your bedroom is clean: Never leave any unfinished project or business in your room or office. Wash and clean everything thoroughly once in a while and remove any clutter hidden under your bed and industry since the energy tends to circulate between the two.


Always remember you are two: Feng Shui believes that when you include two table-ends and a bedside table in your room, then it means that you are thinking of someone. Also, it shows that you are ready to share your space with your loved one.

A Symbol of Art: Each of your bedroom corners should have vivid artwork that reflects loving couples. Remove any artwork or photos that symbolize one element. For example, if you love flowers, but have many flowers in a vase or painting frame instead of one.


The color of your Bed Sheets: If you love black or brown sheets, don’t think of putting them again. Focus on bright and soothing colors such as pink, red, and bright green, and they will heat your love life.

Two pairs of candles: In your relationship area or the southwest corner of your bedroom, add some lights by lighting pink candles together. You can also opt to place two beautiful arts of ducks or animals that you like. The whole process helps you to be close to each other and more comfortable than before.


Make some space: If you happen to remove more clothes in your closet to find your long-lost white dress, it’s time to make room! I mean getting rid of old clothes that you no longer wear. Creating enough space gives you a refreshed and tidy room for two love birds.

#3. Wealth Area

The most crucial and prominent area for your wealth is the Southeast side of your office or home. It is a Feng Shui way of defining your prosperity area. Learn and practice how to choose the Bagua of your space.

You can analyze eight areas or corners of your office or home according to Feng Shui. To make it easier, the Feng Shui of money and prosperity is on the southeast side of your space (for Classic Feng Shui Bagua) or the upper left side of your area (according to the BTB Feng Shui School).

They should talk to you about maximum wealth energy and the feeling of financial breakthrough. Choose your Feng Shui to cure intelligence. If you like a traditional Chinese Feng Shui cure, you should have a better energy connection for it to work as desired.

Both tend to connect when you concentrate on the Western or Northeast Bagua. In other words, one Feng Shui depends on the other.

Reason: This typically means that if you want to open an uninterrupted flow of blessings and prosperity, you must concentrate carefully on your Bagua areas – money and sex.

Don’t get me wrong; Feng Shui doesn’t mean spending your whole month’s earnings on a divine cure. It practically means to have clarity, regardless of your financial status. So try to establish a logical and loving connection for your Bagua. It is the same connection that you have with your loved ones.

#4. Money

This typically includes things or objects that look like real money. It can be dollar signs or fake currencies. Remove any paid bills or transactions in your prosperity corner. They will always represent a reminder that money is leaving. Besides, you can keep the following arts as your divine power in your Bagua.

Water: If you can afford to purchase a fountain and keep it in your money corner, it could bring a sense of attention, not abandonment. So bear in mind that a rush needs lots of maintenance, just like your pet.

The process will help you to focus on your Feng Shui area. Whether an aquarium or any other art of growing plants, a water image shows that your wealth is increasing.

Wood is the essential element to creating your Wealth Corner. You can decide to represent wood with a well-decorated plant but in the wood structure. So avoid leaves with thorns, meaning a lack of wealth and scarcity. Remember to keep them tidy and clean all the time.

Elegant: If you keep any expensive art or plants, better place to create a wealth corner. But it is pretty expensive if you look at it. They constantly remind you of prosperity and more blessings will be on the way. But don’t let the plant or any art reach the ceiling. It symbolizes that you have attained your success limits.

#5. Wealth and Love

You might consider having little cures to have a clean and loving mind. The reality is that the quest for love and money is one of the biggest highlights in our lives. But nothing is more important than believing in your inner self and focusing on your universal energy source and the divine power of God.

Feng Shui for Good Sex
Dreaming of Money

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