Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Reduce Anxiety

Feng Shui Tips To Reduce Anxiety

#How Feng Shui Helps Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety is powerful and consuming. It is the fictitious albatross strangling sufferers every day, promising no relief in sight. But this must change. So, there must be a solution to reduce the strength of this plague, a solution that has healing powers but doesn’t require too much of an investment – money, energy, or time. Many anxiety sufferers gravitate to the medicine cabinet, reduce caffeine, resort to hot Epsom salt-infused soaker tubs, or sleep for hours, hoping the feelings will subside. The above remedies have properties proven to reduce anxiety symptoms, but what about alternative methods using your comfort zone and environment? Let’s read more about Feng Shui tips to reduce anxiety


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Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese practice that brings harmony to your atmosphere through aesthetic placement. So it brings the power of astronomy and geography to your environment, creating a holistic setting of peace and tranquility. It focuses on centralizing your Qi (positive energy) to attract optimism in abundance.

Feng Shui has been helping restore peace in various environments for thousands of years, assisting with many everyday issues that most of us face, including stress, fatigue, depression, and of course, anxiety.


Nowadays, society reversing Shui as art to redecorate surroundings to increase the calm and peace of living space; however, those who practice this art should feel results over time with relief from strong inner and environmental demons.

Below are Feng Shui tactics that have proven successful in reducing anxiety:


Feng Shui Tricks To Cope with Anxiety

#1. De-clutter your home

Many do not realize the power of their stuff. So how piles and piles of papers, clothing, books, junk, and other tangible items contribute to anxiety. So clear the clutter, eliminate the unnecessary, and open your environment to peace and favorable attraction.

Having stuff overflowing in your space blocks positive energy from flowing through. If you look at de-cluttering as a daunting task, try not to be discouraged. The process will open your eyes to new horizons and allow fresh energy into your environment. You are clearing distractions and unnecessary thoughts that fester anxiety symptoms.


Start slowly and de-clutter the area in front of you. Then, gradually move on to the hidden clutter magnets, including drawers, closets, cupboards, and rarely-visited storage nooks.

You never know; you may find that item you were stressed about misplacing! Now that you have found it, your anxiety about the whereabouts of this item will end.


Trust me. Once you have cleaned even a fraction of your living space, subconsciously, you will have reduced your stress and lowered the strength of your anxiety triggers.

Remove unused clothes

Wardrobe reduction is different from de-cluttering in some respects. Many of us are attached to old clothes as they bring a sense of comfort as we are confident these garments will fit, feel great, and get us through any challenge, any outing, any day.


This may be the case with some, but they prevent moving forward emotionally to experience new things and possibly accept body changes (if you have lost or gained weight).

Try an old but effective trick- hang your clothes in the closet with the hanger backward on the rack. Once you wear the item, turn the hanger forward. But after six months, whichever items remained backward, were discarded. Donate them to shelters, reuse them in unique crafting projects, or, if designer brands, try selling them in consignment shops.

#3. Hang Pictures & Mirrors Correctly

I don’t know about you, but when my pictures or mirrors are tilted or crooked, it drives me crazy and instills anxiety that it will topple over on me or someone else. Mirrors, in particular, are a central item in the Feng Shui practice. They are considered a water replacement to enhance your reflection.

#2. Reduce your clothing

This is especially important for the balance in your home as it repels negative energy, leaving harmony as the room’s inner strength. It is important to hang mirrors throughout your living space to combat the negativity as much as possible. Try to have a mirror hung in your hallway near the entrance, which helps prevent the negative energy from entering the space.

For pictures, it is important to maintain harmony within the walls. Hanging pictures/artwork straight and subjects that bring you joy will ease stress and block the triggers initiating anxiety.

#4. Plants and Indoor Flowers

Plants are a vital component of Feng Shui practices. It is strongly encouraged to bring plants and flowers into your living space to reduce stress and anxiety. Green leafy plants are promoted in the south corner of your room as they will bring possibilities of lucrative business to your life.

With business flourishing, anxiety is lowered and financial worries will have lessened. Feng Shui’s traditional practice suggests that flowers should not be in bedrooms as it discourages fertility.

Feng Shui for Anxiety

Instead, bowls of fruit (real or waxed) are suggested to help couples wishing to have children. Those who stress family planning will benefit from this practice as it is believed the fruit increases the likelihood of successful conception.

#5.  Water Flowing in the Living Space

So water brings a sense of calm and solace to an environment. But the ripple of the tide, the quiet splash, acts as a shield from stress and anxiety. Perhaps place a fountain on a table in your central room. But the calming flow will induce peace in your life.

#6. Place Animal Figurines within your Décor

Since individual animals are symbolic of positive energy and bring fortune to everyday life. Depending on the blocks within your space, choose the animal with properties you lack to balance and enhance your room and relieve your anxiety:
– Dragon: Power and good fortune
– Fu Dogs: Prestige and power
– Crane: Longevity and Wisdom
– Fish: Prosperity

Clearing your life of clutter and stuff makes it possible for positive energy to flow through your body and make space in your mind and surroundings. By adopting the Feng Shui practices noted above, your anxiety symptoms should be lessened, infrequent, and overpowered by harmony.

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