Giraffe Spirit Animal: The Real Meaning
The giraffe’s animal spirit towers over the rest of the animal kingdom in all its not-so-subtle majesty. The giraffe’s unmatched height plays a major role in its spiritual symbolism, which includes themes of inner vision and foresight.
The giraffe’s most prominent feature is its long neck. We should inspect our network of social connections and the roles that we play. The stretched-out neck prompts us to explore how we have reached out to others (family, friends, colleagues, etc.) and what that has resulted in for us.
The Giraffe symbolism encourages us to reach as far as we can in our endeavors. We should always put our best foot forward and believe that the sky is the limit. Rise and accept the challenges that life throws at us.
However, the giraffe also moves with grace and elegant poise. It reminds us that we should strive to move through our lives similarly.
Giraffe Associated Traits
Beauty, Intuition, Patience, Perception, Discernment, and Gentleness.
The African Symbolism of The Giraffe Spirit Animal
Giraffes are great creations of God. They showcase God’s diversity and uniqueness. God created all things on earth, and He regarded them as perfect. The Giraffe totem is no exception to the perfect creations of God. This animal is unique because of its long neck, origin, and traits from the African continent.
African Shamans believe that giraffes are Messengers of God. The giraffe animal totem signifies that people need to open their eyes and see the bigger picture in life. You always need to want the best for yourself. Do the things that make you happy, and be patient with yourself.
Seeing the giraffe’s meaning is a sign that you need to be gentle and patient in life. Do not be in a hurry to succeed if you engage in dishonest activities. Always remember that patience pays. In the African context, giraffes carry the message of hope, restoration, balance, and harmony.
Giraffes are Spirit Animals that remind us that with grace and beauty, we can make positive changes in the world that benefit Mother Nature. This way, we can restore the world to its healthy state. Many African tribes see the Giraffe as the link between the sky and the earth.
Giraffe Animal Totem In Dreams
What does it mean when one dreams about a giraffe? Dreaming about a giraffe is dreaming about gentleness and patience. The giraffe totem is spiritual. You need to know that you need to be humble in living your life. When you dream and the giraffe is involved, know that you need to reflect on your life and start doing things right. Do not hold yourself back, and always be true to yourself.
In the Arab culture, the powerful giraffe signifies the beauty of a woman. Dreaming of a giraffe when you are a single man is a sign that soon a beautiful woman will come into your life, and you will be able to find happiness in knowing you are loved.
The African Bushman believes that if you dream about a giraffe, you have supernatural powers that must be nurtured. The giraffe can see far and wide with its long neck, unlike all other animals. Therefore, dreaming about the giraffe is a sign that you should always be hopeful about the future.
The giraffe dream also signifies a time of abundance and peace. Always work on your goals with courage, determination, and confidence. Abundance will come into your life only if you work hard. Nothing good in life comes easy.
The Giraffes As A Power Animal
Giraffe power animal signifies blessings. If the giraffe is your power animal, then you are lucky. You need to attract as many blessings as you can your way. Remain true to yourself and continue working hard for the things you want to manifest in your life.
Giraffe symbolism enables you to look at the problems in your life and come up with solutions from every angle. You always have the best vantage point to be good to people and make your life better and worth living. People will always look up to you, and you will always be willing to help.
Know that every problem in your life can be solved with love and kindness. Do not be hostile toward the people who care about your well-being. The giraffe’s message is that you should keep your head held up high as you forge ahead in life. Let nothing hold you back from making your dreams come true.
Symbolic Meaning Of Giraffe
While contemplating the spiritual value of this refined creature, you should consider the general symbolism that it offers. In addition to vision and elegance, the giraffe animal totem can teach us more lessons, including beauty, patience, perception, discernment, and gentleness.
Giraffe totems are also a symbol of protection, as their natural eyelashes protect their eyes, and this vision, from being obscured. Along with their thick and luscious lashes, giraffes also have a third horn that is not easy to notice. This horn lies between the eyes and symbolizes a third medium for vision. A third eye has symbolic ties to intuition, swift recognition, and telepathy. All three of these traits benefit us in our quest to see clearly into our futures.
We feel like silly distractions are blinding us. When this happens, call upon the message of the third eye and refocus on what lies ahead. We should utilize the gifts of insight and grace in motion to navigate through the cloudy points in life. As a result, we emerge skillfully back into the light. Furthermore, a giraffe’s black tongue – another of its most defining characteristics – also provides us with meaningful guidance.
The long tongue reminds us to be eloquent and deliberate in our speech while taking care not to over-talk. The Giraffe spiritual totem comes into our lives when we need guidance. Those who match well with the giraffe have an incredible gift of perception and inner awareness.
This animal gives us a sign that it’s time to allow your keen insight and prudence to lead the way. We must be able to trust in our gut instincts and listen to our hearts because, deep down, we are the ones who know ourselves.
Giraffe Animal Spirit: Conclusion
Have a clear vision of what lies ahead in the future and never become complacent in your foresight. The symbolic giraffe meaning implies that life will always be much more difficult. When a giraffe spiritual guide presents itself to you in your dreams, this suggestion continues. Maybe you did veer off your path. As a result, you need a reminder to examine the broader view of where your life is heading.
A giraffe animal totem can also symbolize that you are too much for someone. Consequently, you should look forward to determining if this is the best decision.
If this animal is running, there is a strong implication that you, too, are running away from the problem or are avoiding the apparent truth. Fight this at all costs and do well; never forget your inner strength and savvy.