Wednesday, March 26, 2025

God And Goddess Symbol Meanings – Fortuna

God and Goddess Fortuna Symbol Meanings: Luck

God and Goddess Fortuna’s symbolic meanings imply that you can improve your future life by changing your path and becoming someone great. In other words, you have been encouraged to live the life that you desire, and no one shows complaint. Besides, you will surely become successful because you are focusing on your spiritual path. On the other hand, you should be confident to make your life better. Simply it is your chance to create the life that you want. Equally, let confidence drive you to the life you desire. You should not quit chasing your desires. You can achieve anything that you want. Just think positively about your life.


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More so, goddess Fortuna implies that you should watch the moves of every successful person in life. You should not criticize yourself negatively and become obsessed with creating the life that you want. Remember that even in difficult times, you are still destined for something greater. Notably, let your success become your bottom line. You should understand that you can teach yourself how to become confident. Confidence is a skill set because when you start doing what you love, then it will automatically click.


Significance Of Goddess Fortuna

Fortuna, from Latin fero, which means “to win, receive, bring, or get,” was a major goddess in Roman mythology and faith. As her name implies, she was believed to be the goddess of luck, fate, or perhaps more obviously, fortune. She was a very popular goddess in that she worshipped vehemently under a multitude of circumstances, depending on the specific type of luck that one wishes to invoke.

The ancient Romans formerly viewed her as the commander and governor of fates, which explains why she was worshiped so majorly. They believe that their fates are in determination and that they must give her due praise to have an ounce of input into their destinies.


The worship of Fortuna was not in practice in the meek confines of one’s bedroom. Rather, extravagant affairs and festivals are held on a community-wide basis to please this deity and gain her fair favor. In addition to those festivities, many temples will have to be dedicated to Fortuna’s existence across Rome.

Those temples further reflect the nature of her worship and the degree to which she is honoring. Apart from ensuring the fortune of individuals, families, and communities, the fate of the entire Roman Empire was taught to rest on her will.

Symbolic Meaning of Goddess Fortuna

As history progressed, though, Fortuna’s symbolism in everyday Roman culture seems to have changed. She went from being the beholder of fate to a popularly recognized symbol of female fertility. In a way, this is merely another kind of fortune and wealth.


Unmarried or childless Roman women invoked the goddess to help them find an ideal husband and procreate bountifully. In this way, she was still viewed as the sealer of fates, as she could provide or deprive as she saw fit.

God and Goddess symbol

Symbolism Of Goddess Fortuna

No matter which interpretation one chooses to explore, Fortuna usually depicts the same common symbols and similarities. On the one hand, the goddess held a cornucopia (or horn of plenty) – think American Thanksgiving basket or a traditional sign of a good harvest.


From this, all good things were believed to flow in great abundance. This aspect of her depiction symbolizes her ability to bestow prosperity. Originally, this horn was thought to represent a ram or goat’s horn given by the god Jupiter as a reward to the woman who took care of him as a baby. Remember that some signs will lead you to a better future if you believe in them.


Horns are also known as phallic symbols, which would have complimented the female fertile energy associated with Fortuna. No matter which way it is viewed, this cornucopia symbolizes a horn of infinite supply.

Meanings Of Goddess Fortuna

Fortuna was also commonly holding a ship’s rudder or steering wheel in the other hand. As the sealer of fates, this would have represented the all-ruling control that she had over the lives of the Romans.

The circular shape of the wheel would refer to the cyclical nature of life, concerning the cycles of fate: the ups and downs in fortune. Wheels had other symbolic value in the ancient Roman belief system, as well.

As a symbol of never-ending energy, the wheel illustrates how you require energy for anything to occur. The wheel is capable of constantly spinning, moving through all things in a revolutionary nature. The Romans understood this fact most: life is not linear. It is always cyclical.

This idea is symbolic of another of Fortuna’s symbols: the wreath. Again reminding us of the circular motions throughout life, the wreath was also viewed as a feminine symbol, as they are indicative of the shape of a womb; there, too, was the circular nature of how life is instigating and acting.

God and Goddess Symbol Meanings: Good Fortune

However, the wreath stood for other meanings to the Romans, as well. As a symbol of victory, it indicates the rewards that one could grant to Fortuna as long as the person has achieved and is worthy. Romans made wreaths of various materials specific to the god or goddess for whom they were in creation.

In Fortuna’s case, the wreaths were of Narcissus blossoms to commend her beauty and speak to her fertile notions. No matter which way you spin it (pun certainly intended), all of these aspects of both the wheel and the wreath referred to Fortuna’s role as the goddess of fertility, the grantor of fortunes, and the sealer of fates.

Another common symbol of this goddess continued to use the theme of roundness but in a three-dimensional realm. Fortuna depicts a globe to reflect the magnanimity of her control. Her influence reigned supreme, the fate of the world resting in the palm of her hand.

Goddess Symbol: Spiritual Meaning

As such, the globe expresses her ability to oversee the activity of the world and its people. It further expresses the same ideas that symbolize a circle, such as the infinite, cycles, etc. However, unlike the two-dimensional circle, the symbolism of the globe branches out further and includes more powerful qualities, such as completeness and totality, community, and protection.

In addition to the popular symbols, as depicted both alongside Fortuna and as emblems of her, the goddess is often portrayed as blind. This taught the Romans that good luck does not always come to those who appear to deserve it. Rather, it goes much deeper and beyond the simple and obvious appearance.

Taking a spiritual path is all about success. According to the goddess symbol, your future will be satisfying when you do the right thing. You need to take your time now and decide the path that you are going to take.


Goddess Fortuna’s symbolism signifies that you should the imagination of your future will become. You can become anybody you admire. You just believe in yourself and keep learning new things. Notably, your knowledge is your power, and your education will make you unstoppable.

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