Saturday, March 22, 2025
Gong Hee Fot Choy Book Of Fortune: The House Of friends

Gong Hee Fot Choy: Significance Of Cards And Suits In The House Of Friends

Gong Hee Fot Choy: Significance Of  The House Of Friends

Let us understand more about the different suits of playing cards in the House of Friends of the Gong Hee Fot Choy Chinese Oracle.


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Fot Choy: The Clubs Suit In The House Of Friends

7 of Clubs: You may get a message from one of your friends after a long time. You may also hear something very good about one of your friends.

8 of Clubs: A friend will help you immensely to reach your goal. You are also going to achieve something very great, and one of your friends will contribute a lot to your success.

9 of Clubs: A friend of yours will prove to be lucky. He/she is a well-wisher of yours.


10 of Clubs: Undertaking journeys or short week-end trips may introduce you to a person who could be a lasting friend. Or, you may also have an enjoyable journey with your friends.

Jack of Clubs: Relatives will befriend you. There is a chance of a friendship turning into a family relationship.

Queen of Clubs: You may befriend a charming woman. She is going to be of great help to you.

King of Clubs: Through a vocation, you will make several good friends. You may also get calls from one of your very old friends.

Ace of Clubs: You will receive a gift from one of your friends. Or, you may also have to give a gift to a friend for some occasion. Chances are higher in the first case.


Book Of Fortune: The Diamonds Suit In The House Of Friends

7 of Diamonds: One of your friends will be very successful. You will also be credited for the success to some extent. Or, you will attain success with the help of one of your friends.

8 of Diamonds: A friend will help you to inherit a fortune. He/she may suitably steer you so that you are not deprived of what you deserve.

9 of Diamonds: One of your friends will surprise you by his/her way of speaking and behaving. However, do not feel disappointed since this matters little to you in the long run.

10 of Diamonds: You will gain a good amount of money in the coming days, and you cannot but feel obliged to one of your friends for making it possible.

Jack of Diamonds: You will receive a letter or an e-mail that will inform you of a financial gain. It may be a lottery, horse racing, or a scholarship you applied for. Whatever the way, money is coming to you.

Queen of Diamonds: You will make good friends by the end of this season. You may also meet with some of your childhood friends.


King of Diamonds: You may have to deal with some legal issues. Take help from reliable friends. Vibes on your card show that help from friends can pave the way to a positive settlement.

Ace of Diamonds: You are thinking of starting with something new. Your plans are sure to materialize. You just need a reliable friend to infuse confidence and help you achieve your goal.


Gong He Fot Choy: The Hearts Suit In The House Of Friends

7 of Hearts: The company of a friend will keep you happy for the next few days. Learn to value true friends.

8 of Hearts: One of your friends admires you, and you may not be aware. However, it is time that you should know since he/she is going to reveal it to you.

9 of Hearts: You wish you had true friends. Your inhibitions withhold you from recognizing them.


10 of Hearts: You will meet many of your old friends at a wedding party or formal get-together. The college or university reunion may bring such an opportunity.

Jack of Hearts: You are going to be very popular among your friends. Or, if one of your friends gains popularity, all will be recognized for the contribution rendered by you to his/her success.

Queen of Hearts: You will gain money through one of your friends. It may be that you borrow from him/her in your need. It may also be that he/she shows you a way so that you can earn money.

King of Hearts: You will enjoy a lot with friends in the next few weeks. Take care as overdoing can be harmful.

Ace of Hearts: You would like to invite your friends to your house. You are surely going to have fun. Arranging a domestic party is not at all a bad idea.

Gong Hee: The Spades Suits In The House Of Friends

7 of Spades: You may hear about the illness of one of your friends. He/she may seek your help.

8 of Spades: One of your friends is jealous of you and is thinking of doing you some harm. Do not start mistrusting all your friends. But do not share with others your plans about what you intend to do.

9 of Spades: One of your friends will disappoint you. However, you are suggested not to show your instant reaction. Think that this is an exception; there are other good, reliable friends.

10 of Spades: You may have some ego problems with one of your friends. Watch your words and attitude as it may hurt one of your close friends.

Jack of Spades: You are thinking about a friend who needs a favor from you and has put conditions. If you are thinking of helping him/her devise a way of how you are going to offer your help.

Queen of Spades: One of your friends will call you up to show his/her gratefulness for the favor you once did to him/her. It may also occur that you may find it necessary to call up someone to express your gratitude.

King of Spades: An old friend will call you up and tell you things that you may not like. However, do not react. Patient listening can give you an insight into things more relevant and important.

Ace of Spades: Behave well with your friends is the prediction of the Gong Hee Fot Choy suits of cards in the house of friends. They can be offended by the way you address them. Besides, the vibes on your cards show the possibility of a break-up in your relations.

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