Friday, March 28, 2025
Gong Hee Fot Choy Book Of Fortune: The House Of messages

Gong Hee Fot Choy: Significance Of Cards And Suits In The House Of Messages

Gong Hee Fot Choy: Significance Of Cards And Suits In The House Of Messages

Let us understand more about the different suits of playing cards in the House of Messages of the Gong Hee Fot Choy Chinese Oracle.


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Fot Choy: The Clubs Suit In The House Of Messages

7 of Clubs: The message card in the house of message. Perhaps you can figure out what this signifies. You are going to get several messages from different sources regarding several issues. You will have to deal with several things in the days or weeks ahead.

8 of Clubs: If you are a writer, a painter, or if your profession relates to artistic creativity, you will get a message informing you of a great achievement. This is celebration time for you.

9 of Clubs: You are favored by luck, and you will get hints and indications about this in some way or the other. Try your intuition.


10 of Clubs: Happiness is associated with a journey that you undertake. Do not refuse any proposal for a short weekend or a business tour. You may suddenly come to know about some big monetary gain.

Jack of Clubs: A reliable friend will inform you of something that will set you thinking. Planning is necessary for handling the coming situations. So, have the mindset to give everything a serious thought.

Queen of Clubs: You will get some pleasing news from a nice woman who has been very helpful to you. Check the card in your house of messages. If it is a heart card, there are chances that someone will express his/her feelings towards you.


King of Clubs: A dark-haired man will reach you with a message that you may doubt. Do not doubt him especially if you have known him to be reliable. There is no chance of you getting in touch with a dishonest person, at least in the next few days.

Ace of Clubs: You may inherit something that you have been expecting. You will get the confirmation in the coming days.

Gong Hee Fot Choy Book Of Fortune: The Diamonds Suit In The House Of Messages

7 of Diamonds: If you have done anything considerable in the last few days, you will hear the success news. If you have gambled or bought a lottery ticket, chances are fifty-fifty.

8 of Diamonds: You deserve an inheritance and this is ultimately finalized. You will get the confirmation news of this.

9 of Diamonds: You will be surprised at a message that comes your way. Someone may call you, even one whom you least expected a call from.

10 of Diamonds: Bought a lottery ticket? Check the results. You may find that you have won a sizeable fortune. If you haven’t bought it there are chances for new business plans that can bring money.

Jack of Diamonds: You may receive a letter from one of your relatives. You may trust him/her usually. but in this case, you should check matters by yourself.


Queen of Diamonds: A flirtatious woman may come up with a proposal before the end of this season. Do not get carried away. Prepare to ward off her over-interfering ways.

King of Diamonds: You may get involved in some legal issues. Be not afraid. Things will get resolved soon.

Ace of Diamonds: You will get a message persuading you to undertake new ventures all of a sudden, with little time for preparation.


Gong He Fot Choy: The Hearts Suit In The House Of Messages

7 of Hearts: A message from someone will make you happy. The message may contain a sinister plot against you that has been unsuccessful.

8 of Hearts: You will be invited to some party or a celebration through a letter or an e-mail. Vibes of love and romance are on your cards.

9 of Hearts: You are already expecting a message from someone. Your dream is going to come true. Check the card in your house of wishes. If a heart or a diamond card, you may find old contacts trying to revive old bonds.


10 of Hearts: You will be informed of something good happening to you. All you have to do is to leave scopes so that luck can favor you. Try buying a lottery ticket, or going to the races.

. Best bet – Work harder at your current business, it is the best option to make luck work in your favor.

Jack of Hearts: Someone will inform you of your recent success, and this will result in your becoming very popular.

Queen of Hearts: Old friends and relatives will make contact with you. You can gain a lot by getting associated with a loving and gentle woman.

King of Hearts: Vibes of good news is on your cards. This is the time for you to celebrate and enjoy the good time you are about to get.

Ace of Hearts: If you are away from home, you will hear of something good happening at your home. You may also have to go home to join your family members to celebrate.

Gong Hee: The Spades Suit In The House Of Messages

7 of Spades: There are chances that you may suffer from some health problems. Take care that you do not catch a cold. Cough and cold can make your life miserable. If you have a lecture to deliver, try precautionary medications.

8 of Spades: You may receive a message with somewhat unpleasant news that unsettles you a little bit. Be ready to combat every adverse situation.

9 of Spades: You may hear something that will disappoint you, though there really may not be something that will bear you down.

10 of Spades: Bright and prosperous days await you. Before you reach that phase, you may have to sort out certain things that you need to sort out.

Jack of Spades: You are most probably waiting for a message. Whatever it may be, things will not frustrate you. Take care that your expectations do not become unreachable.

Queen of Spades: Some unscrupulous person may try to harm you. It is better not to expect any kind of gratitude from anyone.

King of Spades: Someone will call you up and tell you something that may not sound good to you. Remember, your reactions count. Therefore, keep your cool and calm.

Ace of Spades: Vibes of separation is on your cards. If you neglect your sweetheart, you are going to experience turmoil in the relationship. Do whatever, it needs to make your relationship work.

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