Friday, March 28, 2025
Gong Hee Fot Choy Book Of Fortune: The House Of Sun

Gong Hee Fot Choy: Significance Of Cards And Suits In The House Of Sun

Gong Hee Fot Choy: Significance Of  Suits of Cards In The House Of Sun

Let us understand more about the different suits of playing cards in the House of Sun of the Gong Hee Fot Choy Chinese Oracle.


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Fot Choy: The Clubs Suit In The House Of Sun (Gifts)

7 of Clubs: Everything that you aspired for is on the cards. Caution is desired especially when dealing opposite sex. A short trip will be beneficial.

8 of Clubs: If you are being misunderstood, this is a chance to prove your worth. Persevere and the situation will brighten.

9 of Clubs:  Time is the best healer. Your bad phase will diffuse eventually and you will be in the limelight. Fortune will shine on you eventually.

10 of Clubs:‘Forget and forgive’. Overlook the negatives of your near and dear ones, and learn to appreciate them. If you are planning a trip take all possible precautions.

Jack of Clubs: Be positive, as every cloud has a silver lining. Things will change in your favor slowly and steadily.

Queen of Clubs: Appreciate the beauty of your surroundings, be original in your ideas, and view things intrinsically.

King of Clubs: Reinforce your foundation, your ability to stick to your principles may encourage others to follow you. This may prove fruitful in the long run.

Ace of Clubs: As the sun rises and sets on time and controls time, you will get unique harmony over your personal and professional life.

Gong Hee Fot Choy Book Of Fortune: The Diamonds Suit In The House Of Sun (Gifts)

7 of Diamonds: Establish your worth through your efforts and not by inheritance. Luck may not repeat itself.

8 of Diamonds: You must have heard – it’s better to be late than never. You will prove your worth eventually.

9 of Diamonds: The need for change is indicated. This will be beneficial and will brighten your prospects in the future.

10 of Diamonds: ‘No risk no gain’ is the phrase meant for you at the moment. Don’t be afraid to use your brain and energy if you want to achieve something in life.

Jack of Diamonds: Be warned of possible betrayals from both known and secret enemies. Keep your source of communication open for some important news; otherwise, you just might miss it.

Queen of Diamonds If opportunity arises there is no harm in being extravagant. Go out and try unusual things to shift from routine life. There will be no loss in the forthcoming months.

King of Diamonds: Your success will depend on your astute sense of decision-making; fortune will favor you.

Ace of Diamonds:  As you sow so you reap; your hard work will eventually pay off and the sun will shine on you.

Gong He Fot Choy: The Hearts Suit In The House Of Sun (Gifts)

7 of Hearts: You will be fortunate to receive a long-standing debt; learn from the experience and don’t repeat it.

8 of Hearts: Appreciate the mutual understanding required to sustain any relationship. Be more giving; Romance is on the cards for those seeking long-lasting relationships.

9 of Hearts: Don’t underestimate yourself, you should always demand what you deserve and not settle for anything less.

10 of Hearts: The Sun has brought confinement for those who are single. You realize the importance of happiness only when you have suffered pain.

Jack of Hearts: We live in a small world, for those who have lost their special ones. Don’t be sad, the sun will give you a surprise chance and all the hope to meet them and bring happiness to your life.

Queen of Hearts: Keep on smiling, don’t be sad. Look at the chirping birds and spread positive vibes through your every utterance.

King of Hearts: Keep your eyes and ears open, especially when you know there is a possibility of getting important information.

Ace of Hearts: Positive vibes of the Sun will open new avenues; chalk out plans to get the missing needs in your life.

Gong Hee: The Spades Suit In The House Of Sun (Gifts)

7 of Spades: Do not be short-tempered, be assertive, not aggressive. If you have incurred some loss a cool and composed self will help. Practice meditation for composure.

8 of Spades: Incorporate a ‘never say die’ attitude towards life, and keep on trying hard and harder. Fortune will lead you toward your goals.

9 of Spades: Be patient, don’t run from problems; visualize your long-term plans for a better future. There is no alternative to hard work.

10 of Spades: If you have been restraining yourself from undesirable habits, your efforts will now show results. Get ready for recognition.

Jack of Spades:  As the house represents freedom and remoteness, keep away from the negative vibes. Approach life with optimism and check impulsive decisions.

Queen of Spades: With your perseverance, you can right the wrongs; change the trend, and set your own rules, but be judicious.

King of Spades: Good news for those who are serving their nation. Flow with the tide but make changes for a better tomorrow.

Ace of Spades:  You will be sentimental over those who are no more; they will shower their blessings because you recall them straight from your heart.

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