Friday, March 28, 2025
Gong Hee Fot Choy Book Of Fortune: The House Of Trouble

Gong Hee Fot Choy: Significance Of Cards And Suits In The House Of Trouble

Gong Hee Fot Choy: Significance Of  The House Of Trouble

Let us understand more about the different suits of playing cards in the House of Trouble of the Gong Hee Fot Choy Chinese Oracle.


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Fot Choy: The Clubs Suit In The House Of Trouble

7 of Clubs: You are prone to trouble and take unnecessary risks. Your daredevil trait attracts many, especially those from the opposite sex.

8 of Clubs: You take risks so you can progress and this time success will be yours. Finance looks bright.

9 of Clubs: You will meet new people who will guide and chart your path to success. Romance is on the cards too.


10 of Clubs: If you have been facing financial trouble, then rest assured the time has come for better days. Be cool in your approach.

Jack of Clubs: Suits of cards in the House of Trouble of the Gong Hee Fot Choy predicts that you will be pleased to have chosen friends who will stand by you during times of trouble. Let them know you appreciate their friendship.

Queen of Clubs: You will face some trouble in the next couple of months. Success will be yours if you use your strengths to avoid this phase.

King of Clubs: The bad phase will not last long. People around know your worth and helping ways. Your good deeds will eventually be repaid.


Ace of Clubs: You will face financial difficulties, but you will convince your loved ones that with their support the phase will pass by.

Gong Hee Fot Choy Book Of Fortune: The Diamonds Suit In The House Of Trouble

7 of Diamonds: Your luck is not in favor. Stay away from all kinds of gambling places or you will end up in debt.

8 of Diamonds: Some wonderful people will come into your life, though their arrival is late, They will bring lasting luck for you.

9 of Diamonds: You will be surprised by some unfortunate event turning good at the end of the day. Don’t misuse it to your advantage, success will follow you eventually.

10 of Diamonds: You will face problems arranging for a journey; don’t let the chance slip by. You will prosper if this journey is undertaken.

Jack of Diamonds: You will be tempted to do something that is not desired, stay away from this desire. Keep a cool head, take the help of a close friend, and move ahead in life.


Queen of Diamonds: You will have the opportunity to create the desired impression on those who can trigger your career. Use your inherent charm and kick off to a new start.

King of Diamonds: You have a natural talent to overcome any hurdle all by yourself. You have a very strong personality, try to utilize it properly.

Ace of Diamonds: Don’t trouble others by misleading them, you will find yourself amidst controversies. Respect others and they will respect you.


Gong He Fot Choy: The Hearts Suit In The House Of Trouble

7 of Hearts: You have been the victim of some really unfortunate incidents over the past couple of months; have faith, your problems will vanish.

8 of Hearts: You need to examine the demands and emotional quotient of your family and loved ones. Take some time of the day to spend with them.

9 of Hearts: Your wants never seem to diminish and this may be your pitfall. Watch out while dealing with professional matters.


10 of Hearts: The bold measures you have taken to improve your standard of living will bear positive results. You will come out as a winner.

Jack of Hearts: In times of trouble you will miss the help of your friends and benefactors, whom you have lost, get them back in your life.

Queen of Hearts: An important female helps you unannounced. You will realize her worth, and the need to be more frank with her.

King of Hearts: Don’t jump to conclusions, especially when in serious trouble; have confidence in yourself and be guided by your instincts.

Ace of Hearts: You will get out of trouble, just because of the virtue of your spouse or a very close friend. Try to be on good terms with those who care for you.

Gong Hee: The Spades Suit In The House Of Trouble

7 of Spades: You will get into real trouble if you don’t listen to your elders. Take heed of their advice as they mean well to you.

8 of Spades: Your family may have to pay a price if you get into trouble; they may be affected economically or socially. Be cautious while making new friends.

9 of Spades: Your efforts to overcome difficulties may not bear results immediately, wait awhile and keep both your efforts and faith going.

10 of Spades: Don’t trust a stranger; you might have to suffer a setback. Be prudent in your choice and be judicial in all your moves.

Jack of Spades:  Something is disturbing you lately, do not ignore it; you may need advice from an expert this time.

Queen of Spades: You will love to party after having worked hard for quite a long time. You deserve a break but don’t get carried by the opposite sex or you will land in trouble.

King of Spades:  You will find yourself all alone if you continue to be snobbish and boastful about your achievements.

Ace of Spades: You need to meditate to understand the real you. Practice yoga and you will perform better both in your professional and personal life.

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