Friday, March 14, 2025

Hexagram 39: Obstruction – I Ching 39 Interpretation Video

What Is I Ching Hexagram 39 All About?

Chien is the Chinese name of the I Ching Hexagram 39. This has inner and outer trigrams forming water over mountains. People call this Hexagram ‘obstruction’ or ‘afoot’ or ‘limping.’


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Hexagram 39 yinjing shows how to deal with a temporary setback. By pondering the situation and working with others, you can make progress again.

I Ching 39 meaning - Hexagram 39 Obstruction

I Ching Hexagram 39 Interpretation and Meaning

Hexagram 39 symbolizes the event of obstruction to progress. This can be very frustrating, but when dealt with properly, the situation will pass by very quickly. Turn the mind inward to discover the correct answer to the problem.


Hexagram 39 shows that working together to solve a problem is necessary. You can resolve conflict or obstacles quickly and without any damage. Sometimes it takes strengthening a weakness to make the group stable once again.

Only when we reach out to others to find a common solution is progress able to start again. It is easy to fill the mind with negative thoughts because of anger and frustration. But take the time to stop and meditate. You can change your mind to fix any emotional problems that might be causing the practical issue.


I Ching Hexagram 39 Goals – Personal Goals

When any progress has come to a halt, it is important to think clearly. Think about what you need to do to initiate progression once again. What changes do you need to make? Am I currently doing something wrong that is causing the problem? What can I be doing differently?

These are questions that you can ask in any situation to find the answer to this problem. Often when we look at ourselves instead of the relationship as a whole, the hindrance is more natural to see and then fixed.

During this time of obstruction, take the time to meditate on the current frame of mind. Is the flow of thoughts positive or negative? It sometimes takes a moment of stepping back to realize an attitude problem that needs to change to progress. When we blame others for our problems, it is impossible to find a solution.


I Ching Hexagram 39 Love – Love Interpretation

Sometimes, feelings of stagnation arise in a relationship. Now is the time to ponder deeply about how you can spark the essence of true love once again.

I Ching Hexagram Number 39 – Career and Business

In the work area, take the time to come to the aid of others to act together to find a solution. It is important to gather your strength and resources to help you overcome the obstacle.


Something has stopped the flow of progression in the work area. It often takes the effort from every team member to get things moving again. Seek to help others who might be having troubles in their department.

Fixing one small detail can often start the work progression once again. Other times try to find others who are willing to help you overcome the problem.


iChing 39 Judgment – The Judgment Poem

OBSTRUCTION. The southwest furthers.
The northeast does not further.
It furthers one to see the great man.
Perseverance brings good fortune.

iChing 39 Poem – The Image Poem

Water on the mountain:
The image of OBSTRUCTION.
Thus the superior man turns his attention to himself
And molds his character.

iChing 39 – Conclusion

Hexagram 39 divination symbolizes that there will come a time when an obstruction comes before us. This hexagram gives wisdom on how to deal with the situation. It also shows some options to take to overcome the difficult time.

Through any phase of difficulty, it is essential to keep a clear head to think correctly. Being overwhelmed with emotions can only hinder the process of finding a usable solution. It is one thing to be able to recognize the problem. It is another to know how to deal with the problem effectively.

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