Sunday, March 23, 2025
lady nada

Lady Nada – The Sixth Ray Of Service

Lady Nada


Master Lady Nada is the Chohan of the sixth ray. This ray, purple and gold, represents peace, ministration, and service. She has great light and love and at one time served in the temples of Atlantis.


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At Atlantis, she served in the temple of love. She is a member of the karmic board. This is a group of spiritual beings and ascended masters offering judgment, adjudication, karma, and mercy to us. She serves here as a representative of the Third Ray, that is, the Pink Ray of Divine Love.


Lady Nada’s Roses: The Healing Energy

Lady Nada is known for her service and love. She directs us to the way of selfless love. Different colored roses with associated properties have healing effects. She uses this to lead us to a path of transformation.


This queen of the Chohans works to bring peace, ministration, service, and divine justice to the oppressed. In the process of initiating us, she teaches that the heart is an unfolding rose. She, therefore, helps us to grow the sensitivity of the heart.

Nada is the Chohan of the Sixth Ray, Purple, and Gold Ray but also serves the Third Ray, the Pink Ray of Divine Love. Since time immemorial, the rose has been known for its beauty and fragrance. For Lady Nada’s roses, the colors point to various areas of spiritual development.


The red roses are a symbol of love and a helping hand to the oppressed. The yellow roses symbolize light and healing. Blue roses are a symbol of justice and truth. Purple roses show transformation. The pink rose holds a special place because it signifies universal and selfless love.


Service to Others

Ascended Master Lady Nada is a good teacher who expresses love through service to others. She gives help to those people who endlessly commit to serving others. Examples of these people are healers, lightworkers, ministers, teachers, workers in the justice system, missionaries, psychologists, and therapists.


As believers, we all want to heighten our spiritual levels. Master Lady Nada can offer help to us in the divine realm to make our lives better. Our traditions and cultures have put us into pots, making us believe in certain falsities, myths, and mistruths. This master brings reassurance to us and removes these beliefs.

Judgment is not for us human beings. We are only mortal beings. Lady Nada teaches us not to have judgmental attitudes. We are all born out of a sinful world, and our main aim in life is to live while doing well to others.

We are taught to correct our brothers and sisters in love without criticizing and judging them. She offers help to those who are inclined to be very critical. By so doing, she brings an attitude that is evenly balanced inside us.

Other Roles Lady Nada Plays In Our Lives

Master Lady Nada reminds us to love ourselves selflessly and unconditionally because she holds and professes the energy of Divine love. She teaches us that love plus intelligence equals wisdom. The moment we will be able to acknowledge and recognize ourselves as perfect spiritual beings, we will be able to love not only ourselves but also others unconditionally. She is the unifier of families and twin flames.

lady nada

Lady Nada comes with soft energy that is so beautiful. This energy is good for children. The energy she gives is delicate, gentle, and soft. We all have a wounded child existing inside us. Master Lady Nada comes to work with us to heal our inner child.

Lady Nada: Conclusion

Lady Nada teaches us the path of service. Family is essential in our lives. It is the basic unit of life. When we destroy the family, we destroy the center for the individualization of the God flame.

As a result, our identity will disappear. Christ represents the father, the mother, and the children. This explains the perfect unity that existed in Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. She says Life is not to be wasted in the pleasures or things of this world but for administering self in love.

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