Saturday, March 22, 2025

Monkey Horoscope 2021 – Luck And Feng Shui Predictions!

Monkey Horoscope 2021 – A Look at the Year Ahead

The Monkey 2021 horoscope predicts good luck during the Year of the White Metal Ox. The Chinese New Year begins on February 12, 2021. Starting then, you will see a rise in luck in many areas of your life, including at work, in your romantic life, and in the rest of your social life. If you can be polite to others and work hard, then your year will go well.


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2021 Monkey Predictions For Love

Whether you are in a relationship or single, you are bound to have many opportunities for new adventures within your love life. In fact, single Monkeys might actually be luckier than Monkeys already in a relationship. Single Monkeys will be very popular with potential love interests. It is best to look for a new partner in people who you already know; current friends are your best bet for a future romance.

If you are already in a committed and stable relationship, then 2021 is a great year to finally get married and have babies. If you are already married, then this is a great year to improve your communication. However, you do not have good communication skills, then it may lead to problems in your relationship. You may be tempted to cheat, but if you do this, it will be detrimental to your relationship.

monkey 2021

Monkey 2021 Career Astrology

Chinese 2021 horoscope predicts that you will see many great new opportunities at work this year. The harder you work, the more opportunities that will come your way. Take every business opportunity that comes your way. By accomplishing the tasks that come with these new opportunities, you will improve your relationship with your boss and maybe even get a raise or promotion out of it.

If you have any trouble at work this year, it will be because of your temper. Do your best to get along with your coworkers. If you can keep good relationships with your coworkers, then you are likely to have a better time at work. If you cannot get along with your coworkers, then you will face complications at work instead.


Monkey 2021 Finance

The Year of the Ox predicts good luck in finances. You are likely to be rolling in cash this year. So, feel free to spend your money however you see fit – so long as you are not spending wastefully or gambling. This is a great year to start up a business, make an investment in stocks or real estate, or even just save money for the future.


Monkey Family Predictions 2021

Your family life will be pretty average this year. There is not likely to be much drama in your family life. This is neither a good nor bad year to have a baby or otherwise expand your family. All in all, act as you usually would with your family and things will go well.

Year Of The Monkey Predictions For Health

It is important to keep an eye on what you eat this year. Try to avoid fatty foods that may raise your cholesterol. Apart from your diet, it’s also important to make sure you get enough sleep. If you do not get enough sleep, then you may become ill. Any illnesses you have will also be made worse from not getting enough sleep.


Monkey Social Life Changes

You will be extra popular this year with all people in your social life. Make sure to use your popularity to your advantage, especially at work. However, make sure to watch what you say. If you act rudely to your friends or coworkers, then you may get into trouble. When in doubt, mind your own business. This will keep your social life running smoothly.


Monkey 2021 Yearly Horoscopes

The Year of the Ox provides you with all sorts of luck in 2021. If you want to enhance your luck even more, then try to improve your Feng Shui.

Monkey Monthly Horoscopes

The year as a whole will be great! Below is the year broken down into months with a miniature horoscope for each.

January 2021 starts off the year on a cautious note. Whether you are at work, at home, or out with your friends or partner, make sure you think before you act or speak. This will save you trouble.

February 2021 brings in the first boost of luck as the Year of the Ox officially begins. You do not need to do anything special to activate your luck. Simply act as you normally do.

March 2021 continues your lucky streak. Use this month to do whatever makes you happy. Spend time with your friends and loved ones.


April 2021 will be a fairly relaxing month. This is a great month to improve your education, work on a hobby, or begin a new project at work.

May 2021 will be similar to January. Be careful at work and in your social life this month. Don’t say or do anything you might regret.

June 2021 encourages you to be cautious in your social life. Try to stay away from arguments. There will not be a winner when you enter disputes.

July 2021 may bring bad tidings. Try to remain calm and relaxed during this month. Watch out for your health this month.

August 2021 returns your good luck to you, especially in your social life. This is a great month to focus on the friends you already have, but a bad time to try to make new friends or reconnect with old ones.

September 2021 warns you to watch your mouth when you talk to others, especially at work. Being confident is good, but acting arrogantly will only get you in trouble.

October 2021 leans you toward bad luck in the workplace. You can turn the luck in your favor if you can stay out of office politics and otherwise avoid conflicts with your coworkers.

November 2021 will be one of the luckiest months of the year, especially in regards to your finances! This is a great time to treat yourself to something nice, make an investment, or just save your money.

December 2021 ends the year on a lucky note. Like November, most of the luck will be centered on your finances. This is a great time to make financial arrangements for 2022.

Monkey 2021 Feng Shui Yearly Forecast & Horoscope

2021 will be lucky for students and career. But health might be delicate. You will be most friendly with the Rat and Dragon signs. South and southeast are your lucky directions. Beige and yellow are lucky colors that you should use more. Number 8 and Number 2 will prove to be lucky.

Monkey Horoscope 2021: Conclusion

There can hardly be a better year for a Monkey than the 2021 Year of the Metal Ox. Soak in all the luck this year has to offer you. Make sure to take the time to enjoy every minute!

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