Sunday, January 5, 2025
premonition precognition

Premonition Vs. Precognition

Premonition vs. Precognition

The general public’s fascination with the study of paranormal and psychic occurrences, which include premonition and precognition, remains undeniable despite modern scientific skepticism. As a result, novels, television shows, and films with stories about paranormal practices have flourished in recent years.


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Unfortunately, popular entertainment and even some experts in psychic studies have not accurately portrayed the paranormal field nor correctly defined psychic phenomena like premonition and precognition.

Premonition and precognition are often used interchangeably. The confusion between the two terms is understandable as they are both derived from Latin root words. They both occur during either waking or dream states. They both relate to clairvoyance, an inherent mental power to perceive objects, people, locations, or future events through extrasensory perception.

What is Premonition?

According to the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, a premonition is “a feeling that something, esp. something unpleasant, will happen: a premonition of danger.” The term originates from the Latin premiere, which is translated as praise “before” + money “warn.”


Premonitions manifest as emotional reactions to future events rather than images or visions. Notwithstanding the above definition, premonitions usually occur in advance of events that are either tragic or happy.

For example, a person may experience an overpowering sense of foreboding before the onset of an earthquake or a thrill of anticipation before receiving a job promotion that may or may not be expected.

Premonitions are common. They likely developed early during human evolution because they provided our ancestors with greater odds for survival and were consequently passed down through the uncounted generations. Premonitions can be either symbolic or representational. One often experiences them during dreams but also in full consciousness.


Some criteria for taking premonitions seriously are:

  1. The premonition warns of a health problem or dying.
  2. The premonition is extremely lucid.
  3. If a dream recurs on successive nights or even during the same night, it demands attention.
  4. The premonition comes with physical warning symptoms.
  5. The premonition is shared by a spouse, friend, or other close acquaintance.

Evidence gathered by parapsychologists for premonitions include:

  1. Presentiment (Sixth Sense) experiments have demonstrated that a test subject’s body responds to future events before the subject’s conscious realization of them.
  2. Remote viewing tests illustrate subjects receiving information from a sender up to a week before being mentally transmitted.
  3. Online tests that display clairvoyant functions in test subjects.
  4. The detection of global consciousness affects physical systems. A worldwide network of hardware random number generators is monitored to link irregular outputs that correspond with general or even worldwide responses to world events or intervals of focused attention by large groups.

Reasons for Premonitions

Personal bonds facilitate premonitions. They warn people of the looming problems of loved ones. Premonitions commonly occur between parents and their children, married couples, siblings (especially identical twins), lovers, and dear friends. In addition, feelings of love, benevolence, and fellow feeling can help promote premonitions.

People cannot have premonitions at will, but they can invite them into their lives. Meditation and contemplation are effective means for developing mental focus and discipline, allowing people to quiet their minds and listen to their feelings.

Maintaining a dream diary in which one recounts his or her dream upon waking is advisable. This helps to make one more prone to premonitions and helps one to remember them.


Often overlooked is that premonitions are signs of the soul and bridges to the universe. Premonitions go beyond the practical benefit of warning people of upcoming dangers. They also indicate the timeless aspect of all people who are immortal spiritual beings.

What is Precognition?

The Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus defines precognition as “knowledge of a future event, especially when this comes from a direct message to the mind, such as in a dream, rather than by reason.” The word comes from the late Latin praecognitio “foreknow,” which in turn originates from the Latin cognoscere “know.”


Precognition often occurs when a person experiences a dream in which they see an event before it happens. People who experience precognition often have no control over the experience. Precognition can be initiated in a conscious person through the inducement of a trance or by entering deep meditation.

Precognition is an exact image or telling of a future event to come. Instead, precognitions have been reported as being seemingly direct and uncomplicated.

One example would be that of a father working indoors in his home office and seeing a vision of his child drowning in his home’s backyard pool. He quickly goes to his backyard and finds his child splashing about in the shallow end of the pool without a life ring.


Precognitions are also nonrepresentational or abstract. For example, a person who is about to board an ocean liner has a vision of the ship sinking that is so intense he changes plans and doesn’t board the ship.

He later discovers that the price of stocks for a major shipping company dropped on the Dow Jones stock market index due to problems with piracy, onboard crime, and other misfortunes.

People with precognition can develop their talent with time and dedicated effort.

Indications that a person has precognitive ability include:

1. Dreams

One experiences lucid dreams that offer insight into one’s life and future.

2. Heightened Anxiety

One feels anxious and/or sees visions before an event occurs or knows when a loved one or friend is in trouble.

3. Increased Intuition

People with greater than normal intuition are aware of simple events like knowing who a phone caller is before answering the phone or expecting a person’s appearance before he or she enters the same room.

4. Déjà vu

French for “already seen,” one has the strong sense that an experience or event currently occurring has already been lived through.

5. Finely Tuned Perception

One is especially receptive to the vibrations or energies that form people, objects, and the world at large. For example, one can sense the energy within the personal item of a loved one.

6. Greater Empathy

One can sense and influence the energy of one’s possessions and environment.

7. Increased Sensitivity

One experiences the emotions of others. Sensitive people will understand them, and unfeeling people will be hardened against them.

8. Increased Comfort Level of Others in One’s Vicinity

Family members and friends “feel better” when around one due to one’s ability to interact with their vibrations and energy.

9. Knowing Things Without Prior Warning

One has a “gut feeling” with no logical basis that an event has occurred.

Distinction between premonition and precognition

When viewing the definitions of the two psychic phenomena, the distinctions between premonitions and precognitions become more apparent. Premonition is a foreboding or forewarning with no particular knowledge of an oncoming threat or disaster.

Precognition deals with second sight or foreknowledge of an event before it happens. Premonition and precognition can both occur during clairvoyant dreams, though muddying discussions of their differences.

Knowing the difference between premonitions and precognitions is essential for people who wish to explore these psychic phenomena. Thus, even though skeptics doubt their validity, the general public remains steadfastly interested in the domain that can’t be explained and scientifically studied but only sensed.

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