Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Feng shui is actually largely based on psychological principles.

Psychology of Feng Shui

Environmental Psychology

Feng shui is the ancient art and science of arranging your home or work environment. It will positively impact all aspects of your life. The psychology of Feng Shui determines how one’s surrounding environment consciously and subconsciously impacts the mind. Feng shui originated in ancient China over five thousand years ago, and is directly translated as ‘Wind and Water.’


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This is because the original Feng shui practitioners counseled their clients to avoid building structures either too high up a mountain where it would be exposed to too much wind, or too low in a valley where it could be vulnerable to too much water in the form of flooding. Some people may think of Feng shui and associate it with Chinese culture and tradition.

That may be because when Feng shui originated in China, its original applications and remedies involved cures and remedies relevant and sensitive to Chinese people and their culture.

Psychological Principles

In their careful observation of how the environment influences and impacts human behavior over thousands of years, Feng shui practitioners developed a systematic process of analysis and recommendation to provide their clients with a living or work environment that was safe, comfortable, and supportive of all areas of their lives.


When a Feng shui practitioner is seeking to establish elemental balance in a residence, the purpose is to balance the elements so that there exists a feeling of harmony, each of the elements- fire, earth, metal, water, and wood- has an emotional characteristic.

The Emotional Elements

The emotional element of fire is passion- too much fire element in an environment can lead to rage, whereas not enough can feel flat and dispassionate.

The earth element provides the sensation of physical stability. Too many of the earth’s elements in the environment can wind up feeling rigid and stuck in life. Not enough can result in an environment that produces feelings of insignificance.


Metal is the element of mental agility: too much produces over-concern or obsession with rules and regiment- not enough metal in the environment produces feelings of noncommittal and wishy-washy.

Water is the element of deep emotional feeling. Too much water in the home or business environment can lead to depression. Whereas not enough water in the environment leads to feelings of flat affect and emotional shutdown.

Wood is the element that represents growth. Too much wood is a sign of instant growth. This can be a quick rise in business or new love but there is no guarantee it will last. If this element is less, then it can lead to slow growth.

Psychology of Feng Shui

Balance of 5 Elements

Any of the five elements out of balance in a residence or business is very likely to result in its occupants feeling the negative psychological impact of such imbalance. One of the roles of the Feng shui practitioner is to correct and remedy the imbalances and return the structure to harmony.

There are numerous other salient ways that Feng shui addresses the negative psychological impact of the environment. Every object in your possession speaks to you, and it is saying something positive or negative. A framed photograph of a favorite pet sends a comforting and positive message.


A set of beautiful dishes that you bought with an ex and wound up with after the breakup constantly sends a subconscious message that may be painful and frustrating. Whether we are aware of it or not, all of the objects in our environment are talking to us. They send us one kind of message or another.

Psychology of Feng Shui

Sharp Corners

Sharp corners of tables and other objects are processed by the subconscious mind as knives coming at the observer, and the mind will look at a jumble of black electrical chords behind an entertainment center and for a split second wonder if it is a snake. The mind is even aware at the subconscious level is the shape of the structure is incomplete.


The psyche yearns for whole shapes. If a building is L-shaped and missing a corner, the psyche will feel out of balance. It is not so much that the occupant is consciously aware of these psychological spikes. Rather all these factors impact negatively on the subconscious level.

Feng shui practitioners with years of training and experience and looking through their Feng shui eyes have the skill and intuition to identify and remove the aspects of the environment that hold you back.


They can also recommend the enhancements and remedies that will bring your home or office to its maximum level of safety, comfort, and productivity. If your home or office environment does not inspire you and pull you towards all of your goals, consider letting the Feng Shui consultants generate your building’s full potential.

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