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September 28 Zodiac Horoscope Birthday Personality

September 28 Zodiac Sign Is Libra

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On September 28

SEPTEMBER 28 Birthday horoscope predicts that you are a charming and attractive person. You love receiving attention. You walk into a room, and people stop to stare. In addition, you have a charismatic and unique personality.

The 28th of September birthday personality belongs to the Libra zodiac sign. Maybe you are a little over-enthusiastic, but you are still a pleasant Libran. It is said that you could use your charm to get your way.


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Furthermore, Libra you tend to be unconventional as you are creative and imaginative. You have this ability to talk without words.IF YOU WERE BORN ON SEPTEMBER 28, then you are a charming and attractive person. With all your good birthday characteristics, some people will not like you. This is a common occurrence among those born today.

The September 28th astrology predicts that you are likely an impossible romantic. You are extremely creative as said before but you use this in your erotic fantasies.


You prefer to be in a relationship and will work to make the partnership a harmonious one. Instead of this, friendships are equally as important. These Libra birthday people are usually the kinds who are generous as well. You are usually the peacemaker in the family or the workplace.

If today is your birthday, you are success-driven and would naturally make a mainly concerned social worker or therapist. While you are giving, you tend to be taken advantage of. However, you stick to your guns and act according to your values and principles. You can be a force to be reckoned with when upset.


Birthday Astrology

In love or seeking a partner, the September 28 zodiac person looks for someone who is success-driven and who has an artistic mind. You prefer a relationship that provides balance and peace to your inner being. More so, you like to be pampered and have chocolates or sweets.

On the other hand, you dislike drama and egotistical people. The September 28 horoscope shows that you like being by yourself or like peaceful activities unlike others born under the same zodiac sign.

You are attentive to detail, progressive, fair, and affectionate. One of your not-so-charming qualities is that you are impatient. You can be self-absorbed, but at the same time, you need to learn how not to be an enabler. Take time for yourself from time to time to balance your moods.

As a Libra born on September 28th, you seem to attract all kinds of admirers. This can be good, and this could be not good. Perhaps you should pick your friends with a little more prudence.

Typically, you need to be around positive people who lead a life that’s free of discord. Your friends and family love and adore you. You can be overly strict as a parent, but this could work itself out with your understanding and empathy.

Know Your Personality

As a September 28 birthday personality, you are proud of yourself and how you have maintained your looks. However, you need to look for diets that are proven to work rather than invest in the latest fad or trend.

Your impatient attitude could be why you desire to use a “quick fix.” You as a Libra can benefit from solitude. You may need to reinvent yourself from time to time.


As a career, the September 28th horoscope predicts that you could be compatible with several different professions. Normally, you could find comfort in knowing that your career will reflect your personality and character. You are a natural fit for the advertising market, or you would do well in media or publishing.

You like to write and could easily be an editor for an infamous magazine. Your passionate nature could find you fighting for a cause. On the subject of your finances, you could learn to live on a budget.


A career that offers you the opportunity to travel is highly likely as you love adventure. Additionally, you are willing to go back to school and get the education needed to further your career goals.

Personal freedom is important to you. Someone born on this day will likely spend time alone. The September 28 birthday personality traits show that you are a giving person, so it would be of great benefit if you gave people their problems back and concentrated on you.


Librans are natural caregivers and can take on other people’s problems too readily. This imbalance can make you moody and impatient. Your health is normally good, but you look for things to happen overnight. As a career, you have many options but need to spend your money wisely and save some as well.

september 28 libra birthday calendar

Famous People And Celebrities Born On September 28

Confucius, Young Jeezy, Ben E King, Ranbir Kapoor, Lata Mangeshkar, Ed Sullivan, Paulette Washington

See: Famous Celebrities Born On September 28

This Day That Year -September 28 In History

1701 – Maryland is now authorized to divorce couples
1904 – In NYC, a woman is taken by authorities for smoking a cigarette in her car
1932 – The Chicago Cubs and the NY Yankees open the Baseball World Series
1961 – Shirley Booth plays in the hit series “Hazel” which aired on NBC

September 28 Tula Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
September 28 Chinese Zodiac DOG

Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Venus which symbolizes happiness, love, relationships, aesthetics, and imagination.

Birthday Symbols

The Balance or Scales Is The Symbol For The Libra Zodiac Sign

Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is Magician. This card symbolizes the strong willpower and practicality that is required to be successful in life. The Minor Arcana cards are Two of Swords and Queen of Swords

Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under the Zodiac Sign Aquarius: This relationship will be inspirational and loving on all fronts.
You are not compatible with people born under the Zodiac Sign Scorpio: This relationship can be unsteady and unpredictable.

See Also:

September 28 Lucky Number

Number 1 – This number stands for strength, ambition, determination, and happiness.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors

Yellow: This is a color that signifies illumination, joy, pragmatism, and confidence.
Pink: This color signifies tenderness, romance, grace, and sensitivity.

Lucky Days

Sunday – This day is ruled by the Sun and signifies a day to be generous and nurture loving relationships.
Friday – This day ruled by planet Venus is symbolic of artistic endeavors and harmonious resolution of conflicts.

September 28 Birthstone Opal

Opal is a gemstone that is symbolic of imagination, art, spirituality, and love.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On September 28th

A Calvin Klein perfume for the Libra man and a bouquet of silk flowers for the woman. The September 28 birthday horoscope predicts that you like beautiful gifts.


Famous Events for September 28

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