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September 29 Zodiac Horoscope Birthday Personality

September 29 Zodiac Sign Is Libra

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On September 29

SEPTEMBER 29 birthday horoscope shows that you are not a selfish individual. You are concerned with others and will stand up for a worthy cause. Librans born on this birthday are typically impatient people who are sometimes even critical. But they have a good heart. And they know when they are needed.


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Disliking unfair treatment, you are sensitive to violent acts and abuse. Those of you born today need security. You have good instincts and can usually predict a situation’s outcome, making you the right person to go to for advice.September 29 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality Friendships are essential to you as your love life can hold the same value. The September 29 birthday personality is magnetic and draws people to them from all walks of life. You can’t help it, but some people are truly jealous of this trait. You don’t worry about that as you are focused on your career, family, and true friends.

Keeping your friends to a limit, you keep down the drama many friends will bring. The September 29 birthday horoscope predicts you are confident and sure of yourself.


Horoscope of September 29th

The September 29th horoscope shows you to be dependable, enthusiastic, and trustworthy which are just a few more positive qualities. If you are so lucky as to have a Libra as a lover, be sure to take care of them. You will get much more in return if you do.

However, in love, you can be the jealous one. You usually put your heart and soul into loving someone and expect the same from your partner. Librans can be unpredictable though and hard to understand at times but are loving individuals dedicated to family. You have been known to sacrifice your wants, needs, and dreams for someone you love.


However, with good instincts, those born on this Libra birthday will not be hurried into a relationship if they have bad vibes from it. You are extremely cautious with your heart.

More often than not, you are skeptical about giving someone your trust. The September 29th birthday love compatibility analysis shows that you are likely compatible with someone who has the same qualities and principles as you.

Birthday Astrology

The September 29 astrology predicts that as a parent, you are known to be a protective father or mother. This quality could be the result of how your parents treated you. Maybe you’re too protective and could lighten up a bit. Sometimes, the only way to grow is to make your mistakes.

Your friends depend on you, and you are their rock when they need to lean on someone. You make a good and dependable friend. This September 29 zodiac person usually has lasting friendships and romantic relationships. They are loyal to those who are dedicated to them. Often, you don’t forget much and have high expectations of yourself and those around you.


As far as your health is concerned, you don’t follow through all the time. You may start a routine, but it’s difficult for you to stay on track. You are excited at first, but then as time passes, you may find other things to do than exercise. Maybe taking a partner with you will increase your chances of seeing it through.

Your career is important to you. As a Libra born on September 29th, you make interesting leaders. Your charismatic quality becomes a valuable asset instead of this quality.


You’re smart and learn a lot from your business peers and are motivated by the happiness of others. You’d make an excellent teacher because of this. You have power over people that comes in handy for helping others achieve good and sound decisions.

Your Personality

This September 29 birthday personality is usually well-liked and thought of. You are sensitive and dislike drama and unfair treatment. In addition, you have an appeal that draws people to you.


You know a lot of people but are only friends with a few. You tend to take your career seriously and could be a memorable teacher. Your friends depend on your sound advice to get them out of situations or to change their circumstances.

september 29 libra birthday calendar

Famous People And Celebrities Born On September 29

Gene Autry, Andrew Dice Clay, Kevin Durant, Bryant Gumbel, Madeline Kahn, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bum Phillips

See: Famous Celebrities Born On September 29
See: Famous Personality Traits of September 29 Birthdays

This Day That Year -September 29 In History

1911 – The Italo-Turkish War begins
1916 – Announcement of John Rockefeller as America’s first billionaire.
1927 – Long-distance calls between the US and Mexico are made available
1941 – Lou Nova loses to Joe Louis in the heavyweight boxing title

September 29 Tula Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
September 29 Chinese Zodiac DOG

Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Venus which symbolizes love for everyone around us and what we desire regarding materialistic possessions.

Birthday Symbols

The Balance or Scales Is The Symbol For The Libra Sun Sign

Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is from The High Priestess. This card symbolizes a person with good intuition, knowledge, and excellent decision-making skills. The Minor Arcana cards are Two of Swords and Queen of Swords

Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius: This love match will connect on an intellectual level.
You are not compatible with people born under the Zodiac Sign Virgo: This love relationship will need devotion and patience to sustain.

See Also:

September 29 Lucky Number

Number 2 – This number signifies harmony, kindness, endurance, and dedication.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors

Silver: This color stands for emotions, reflections, wealth, and stability.
Pink: This is a soft color that signifies unconditional love, mothering, intuition, and affection.

Lucky Days

Monday – This is the day of the planet Moon that shows your emotional stability, feelings, and imagination.
Friday – This is a day of planet Venus that symbolizes art, love, creativity, and relationships.

September 29 Birthstone Opal

Opal gemstone that signifies fidelity, genuine love, and emotional balance.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On September 29th

A trench coat for the man and a gilt-edged mirror for the woman. These make excellent, memorable gifts. The September 29 birthday horoscope predicts that you like gifts that are well thought out.


Famous Events for September 29

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