Monday, March 17, 2025
It's a question that comes to every psychic practitioner at some point in their career, how do I continue to strengthen and develop my abilities?

Strengthen Psychic Abilities

How To Strengthen My Psychic Abilities?

It’s a question that comes to every psychic practitioner at some point in their career, how do I continue to strengthen psychic abilities? It’s not a simple answer, but there are a few techniques I will provide that will provide you some assistance with this.


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Regardless of your base psychic skills, there is one thing that will assist you with strengthening them, and that’s practice. While not tied to any muscle, it is still a habit that is tied to practice, repetition, and experience. How you practice is determined by the methods by which you utilize your psychic abilities.

Let us assume that you can locate missing objects. One way to practice this ability is to have someone hide an object in your house and present you with a map of your house. You would then focus on that object, attempting to discern its location through your psychic gift.

You could make this a daily habit, occasionally challenging yourself by having your assistant find further places to hide it on days when they can take them out into the local town and hide them.


During these moments you want to keep track of what moon phase it is, what house the moon and sun are in, the time of day, and the other details of your surroundings. The subtlest thing can influence your ability to utilize your ability.

The color you’re wearing, the composition of the fabric in your clothing, the type of incense you’re burning, the use of music, or the lack thereof.


Actions Required

What you need to do in these instances is keep track of all the environmental factors you reasonably can, and compare your results until you find out what materials and circumstances enhance your abilities.

This may sound like a lot of work, but keep in mind that these kinds of abilities were usually honed over years of apprenticeship in service to someone skilled in their use. Without orders to train us, we have to do the extra work to hone our abilities, often without any guidance at all. This requires a significant level of commitment.


To that end, you’ll need to analyze your particular style of psychic ability, keep a detailed journal of the environmental factors when they manifest or attempt to utilize them, and utilize any method available to practice.


It is also important when pursuing the strengthening of our psychic abilities, to take proper care of our spiritual self. This means that daily meditation is also deeply important, preferably with a focus on our tools, even if that’s merely our spirit. In addition, we may call on our Spirit Guides, Familiars, and Totemic animals, and utilize their ability to guide us in our growth through vision quests.


Remember that improving your psychic abilities is a life-long process, and it requires constant honing and revision to keep that focus. Your ability may never leave you but know that the more time you spend focusing on it, the greater ease you will find when you need to call on it.

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