Monday, March 24, 2025
Psychological Matrix Of The Significator in Tarot

The Psychological Matrix Of The Significator in Tarot

The Psychological Matrix Of The Significator

The Significator And The Psychological Matrix Of The Significator is a card that represents the Querent (the person we are reading for)


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If we do Tarot reading without Querent beside, we can put his significator separately. We denote the ritual of his presence. If the significator appeared in any position of the spread, it indicates that the area that describes this position is significant for the Querent. For example, the significator is in a place that shows the extent of finance. This means that the financial affairs of a person are critical at the moment for him.

Choosing the Significator

Here is one of the easiest If you choose the significator for the men: 1 select from the deck cards of kings and knights 2 – Mix and place them in two rows of 4 cards 3 – ask the person to concentrate and select the two cards 4 – ask the person to choose one of them,


It will be the significator. If you like a card significator for a woman:

1Select from the deck four cards of Queens,

2 mix and place them in one row

3 – ask the person to concentrate and select the two cards 4 – ask the person to choose one of them,

It will be the significator. If you choose the significator for men 21-23 years old, repeat the same with four cards of Pages


The Zodiac sign of your Querent

The following method depends on knowing the Zodiac sign of your Querent. For example, for women of the Air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), you can choose the Queen of Swords as the significator. You can select King of Cups for men of water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

Using the Court cards, you can also create a psychological portrait of a man, which can help Querents better understand themselves. To make the necessary psychological matrix 1, Select from the deck 16 Court cards, which are 4 page-boy, 4 knights, 4 Queens, and 4 Kings 2- mix and place cards in a square 4 x 4 3 ask to choose any four cards 4-arrange cards in a row, from left to right, in the order of the Querent chose

1 card corresponds to the element of Fire (Wands) and talks about how people see the Querent and how he is active 2 card correspond to the element of Water (cups) and show the emotions of the Querent and how he expresses them, 3 card – corresponds to the element of Air (Swords) and talks about the style of thinking and communication rights. 4 – corresponds to the element of earth (pentacles) and shows the practicality of a Querent

Cards for Women

For example, such cards for women

1 – Queen of Wands

2 – Queen of Swords

3 – King of Swords

4 – Page of pentacles


1 – We can suggest that others see her as a glamorous, beautiful, active, cheerful woman. 2 – The card of Queen of Swords says that inside, a woman is very stubborn. Before expressing her emotions, she thinks about how to do it. 3 – The card of the King of Swords suggests that a woman can make decisions and take responsibility for her words and thoughts. 4- The card of Page of Pentacles indicates that a woman can earn money with her skills. She knows how to handle money.

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