Friday, March 14, 2025

Tiwaz Rune Meaning: Fight Till Victory

Tiwaz Rune: Greatness Within You

Tiwaz rune shows the greatness of knowing all your positives because that will give you a better understanding of your moves. In other words, you will live a positive life because your main concern is what will make you happy. When you major in your negative side, then you will only be seeing the weaknesses inside you. More so, you should avoid focusing on your weaknesses because you will not have sight of your greatness. Besides, you have something great inside you that will get unleashed when you focus on your positivities. On the other hand, focusing on doing things that you love can give you an added advantage towards your happiness. It is not necessarily that you will become happy when you are rich, but the small things that you do in your daily life can make you happy.


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On the other hand, the Tiwaz rune’s symbolism indicates that happiness is a matter of choice and not having materialistic things. Furthermore, your health is what will make you happy. There is no other thing that can be compared with your good health. So, you should focus first on your health before focusing on other things. Notably, with good health, you can do great things in life. Mostly, your diet plays a major role in your health. Therefore, seek the doctor’s advice and do what is rightful to your health matters. Equally, it will be about time that you will realize that you are doing the right thing.


Rune Poem for Tiwaz

“Týr er einhendr áss
ok ulfs leifar
ok hofa hilmir.
Mars tiggi.”

“Tyr is a one-handed god,
and leavings of the wolf
and prince of temples.”

Rune Name – Tiwaz, Teiwaz

Aett – Tyr’s

Aett Position – First


Tiwaz – Upright Meaning


Respect, authority, balance, leadership, analytical, knowing your positives, being ready to give up yourself for others and fight till victory


tiwazTyr is the rune of the God of Justice, the very embodiment of honor, and the scales of justice. To lead his men well, he offered his hand to Fenrir the wolf and sacrificed it so that the beast might be bound.

The Teiwaz or Tiwaz rune of the Elder Futhark tells us that it is time to call on our ability to lead and serve as a hand of authority. When under this rune’s influence, we must act with personal honor and make our decisions in the interest of a just resolution.


Tiwaz Power

As Tyr did sacrifice, our honor will sometimes call upon us to make a sacrifice of ourselves so that justice and honor may be served.

With Tyr presiding and us acting by his ways, we are told that we shall be successful when legal matters come into play.


The Teiwaz rune warns us that we may be our enemy and that we must practice discipline and responsibility to follow the warrior’s path and find the strength within that we need to persevere.

Tiwaz – Merkstave Meaning (Reversed)


Tiredness, blockages, low energy, paralysis of mind, overthinking and analyzing of simple situations, sacrificing when not needed, zero balance, fights, arguments, conflicts, failure to compete non-communicative, and breakups.



The Merkstave Teiwaz tells us that we must act with care; our actions may be driven from haste. Justice is out of balance, and this is leading to strife and conflict among those involved.

By failure to remain disciplined, our creativity and productivity are blocked, and we are frozen by the mental paralysis caused by not facing what we need to do.

tiwas merkstave

Tiwaz Rune Magic

When the Merkstave Tiwaz comes up about a project in a runestone reading, it tells us that we are losing sight of the forest for the trees. We must focus on the project as a whole and stop kibitzing over the minor bits that are just detailed.

As the Teiwaz rune can represent a lack of honesty and openness, it can also indicate us confusing a lust-driven relationship for one that is love-driven.

Tiwaz Rune Meaning

Generally, the Tiwaz symbol illustrates the sacrifice you make towards your future life. Everyone craves to live a happy life, but not everyone is willing to do what it takes. It takes a lot to get to the life you want. Most will major in shortcuts because they want to get there easily. That is where they miss their path. Therefore, you should not be among the group who love shortcuts but be the one who does what is right. Anyone who does the right thing will earn endless blessings from God. Equally, be ready every time to focus on your future by doing what is right and avoiding the wrong doors.

Tiwaz Rune Meaning Love

Tiwaz Runes protection symbolizes the things you achieve in life. Everything you will earn in life will act as your protection. On the other hand, your lover will want enough protection whereby she will not have problems in life. Try to make her happy at any cost because she deserves you and the other way around. So, your hard work will give you everything you want in life, starting from your health to your love life. Equally, your family needs you because they have put their trust in you which is an important thing. So, you should not let them down.


Tiwaz’s meaning brings the disadvantages caused by overthinking. Sometimes overthinking can become a disease because you will want something greater than your ability. Simply, you need to remember that you always grow systematically and not just at once. So, focus on the things that need to be done and be happy with what you have.

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