Planets In Houses
Use this planets in the Houses Calculator to find out how each planet influences you.
Every planet has its way of influencing your personality. For example, you can predict how you will react in a situation of love based on what planets are in your fifth house, or what house your Venus is in can show you where you will find love most readily.
Each planet has a few qualities that it represents. Let’s look at the main planets in astrology and a few qualities that they each represent.
- The Sun represents your basic self-expression. It is how you act.
- The Moon represents your feelings and intuition. It is how you feel.
- Planet Mercury represents how you communicate. It shows how you learn.
- Planet Venus represents your desire for beauty and love. It is how you respond in relationships.
- Planet Mars represents your raw ambition. It shows your sexual desire.
- Planet Jupiter represents your expansion and luck. It helps you hold on to your strong beliefs.
- Planet Saturn represents your discipline. It helps you to become responsible and reliable.
- Planet Uranus represents your freedom of action and speech. It helps you to be independent.
- Planet Neptune represents your dreams. It helps you to feel compassion.
- Planet Pluto helps you empower yourself. It helps you solve mysteries.
Natal Chart
The planets, at the time of your birth, were all in a particular zodiac sign, and every natal chart, they show up in various astrological houses. Each house is naturally ruled by a particular zodiac sign. Whichever planet rules that zodiac sign also influences the activities of that house in your horoscope.
There are twelve houses in a natal horoscope chart. Starting from the first house and going counterclockwise around the chart, the order of the zodiac is displayed. Depending on the time of your birth, you have a certain first house zodiac sign (ascendant).
Now, even though the first house is naturally ruled by Aries which will also be ruled by Mars, you might happen to have a planet ruled by Taurus in the first house. It could be seen as a very good thing to have Venus in 1st house in this scenario. However, there might be a conflict with a relationship planet such as Venus being in a house of Self.
This is just an example of how the combinations of planets, signs, and houses can work differently for the personality and life happenings of a person. There is also a great difference between having planet Uranus in the eleventh house that it rules and having planet Uranus in the seventh house.
To get a better understanding of how each planet in houses can affect your life, fill in your birth details in the calculator and obtain a free detailed report of the planets in houses. Know yourself at a deeper level this year.
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