Tuesday, March 25, 2025

What Is Karmic Rule of Returns?

What Is the Karmic Rule of Returns?

Different traditions use different numbers, but generally, it’s called the Rule of Three. What is it, and how does it affect you? Find out more about the Karmic Rule of Returns here.

While many people are familiar with the “Golden Rule,” which states that one should treat others the way one would like to be treated. There also exists a second, equally strong rule that is lesser-known but should be brought more to light.


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In this article, we’ll call it the Rule of Returns. This is because some traditions say that the number is three, some that it is seven, and some even more, but the main tenet is the same. Whatever you send out will be returned to you multiple times. If you cast a good luck spell on a friend, that positive energy will return to you in droves.


If you rescue a kitten from a box in the river, that good deed will return to you. However, the opposite is also true – any act of malice, ill-will, or animosity will also be heaped back on you in multiples.


The Karmic Balance

This idea of Karmic balance is a part of every religion that holds its practitioners responsible for themselves. While, for instance, the “absolution”- based religions like Christianity allow their practitioners to simply erase their wrongdoings by saying a few words, traditions such as Buddhism and Wicca expect their practitioners to not do bad things and instead do good things based on the life they are living now, and not the promise of forgiveness and paradise later.


This is not to say that one should do good deeds to have those good deeds come back to them plentifully, however. The energy one puts out does, indeed, come back to one, but those deeds should not be done expecting a reward. That is selfishness, and the intention behind a good deed being selfish sort of cancels the good deed out.

This is never more easily recognized than today, with social media like Twitter. Someone will Tweet that they just bought a homeless man a sandwich or whatever, and expect people to shower them in praise. They may have fed a homeless man, certainly, they may have done a good deed, yes, of course. But the reality of that situation is that they did that good deed for recognition.


Karmic Rule of Returns


You can do things for your benefit. However, it is the intent that the Rule judges. Cast a spell to protect your house, and it seems that the primary intent is self-protection. Cast that spell for another, and it seems that you intend to protect someone else. Plus one on your score. Demand money for such a spell, and suddenly you’ve gone ten steps in the opposite direction. It is your intent that counts.


So here’s what you can do. The next time you do any magic, consider just briefly your intentions. Follow the Wiccan Rede. Don’t brag about your niceness to others.


Be content knowing that you helped someone else out. Sure, the knowledge that it will come back to you is there, but that’s not the reward. Being a decent human being is the reward. Everything else is just frosting.

Dreaming of Spells

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